Chapter 20

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10 a.m. Thursday

Zhaira drives around town to buy something when she saw Raul came out of a hotel.

"RA.. Raul?"

She pulled over and watched where her ex might go.

"What is he doing here?"

Zhaira got out of her car and carefully followed Raul. Hiding in every corner possible to avoid Raul's suspicious gaze at his back.

"What on earth are you doing in this small town's hotel Raul?"

When passerby's hindered her sight of him she hurriedly ran and tried to see where he went to. She ran faster, pushed some people on her way when she bumped into a lady.


"Hey! Pwedeba ang lapadngdaanmiss! Oh! Wait, you're here to ruin my day again"

"What are you ta... Oh Liane! Miss me?"

Crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows at Zhaira.

"Ugh! Surprising to see you out in a broad daylight, sober"

Dusted her denim pencil skirt and jacket.

"Alright. I am surprised to see you in the city. Walang team building?'

"Why do you care?"

"Well, Zach cares"

"Hoy!" Pointed her finger at Zhaira "Just because you and Zachary are childhood friends you think you know him better than me"

"Oh! I'm sorry, did I make you feel uncomfortable with that?" She whispered at her face "But I don't think of it, I know it"

"The nerve!'

"Bye Liane! In case you want to know more about Zach"


"Call me!"

"Ugh! That b*tch"

She ran away from Liane to pursue her stalking of Raul. Somehow, it became weird that she bumped into Liane at the time and place where she saw Raul.

"Nah... justcoinsidence. Now where is my asshole ex?"

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