Chapter 4 Trouble in the Underworld

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Third POV

Maya took the golden fleece from the limb of Thalia's tree. The defending serpent was fast asleep. She had taken care of it since she was small. And the serpent had taken a liking to her. So she could climb on it's body with little worry. Zoë and Luke on the other hand, kept their distance. The serpent kept it's eyes on the both of them with a villainous glare.

Once Maya climbed off the dragon, she handed the golden sheep's fleece to Luke.

"You knew my dad before he . . . became a chaos plithos?"

Zoë and Luke looked at each other. A little hesitant to say anything. He had definitely changed since they had been a live. But it was not just that. Every time he would bring up the past, he always got bitter. Talking to her daughter felt awkward to them.

"He was an idiot," Zoë said unsurely. "Arrogant and a little selfish. But, he was super kind I guess. He was . . . you know. A hero."

"If you want to know what Percy is liken your asking the womrong people," Luke told her. "I tried to kill him, and she spent less than a month with him on their quest. If you are really curious, you can try and ask him yourself."

"Okay," she said in a low voice. She sighed heavily. "Step one is complete. Now, we must get to the under-"

She suddenly collapsed. Her entire body began to ache. She felt like her very essence was being pulled away from her body in the most painful way possible. She got on her knees and spat out what she thought was blood. But instead she spat out some golden liquid. It glowed faintly, and then dull just a yellow paste.

"Did you feel that?" she managed in a struggling voice.

Luke and Zoë looked at her, puzzled. Luke helped her up and draped the fleece over her to let it's magic affect her. After a while, the pain subsided, but she still couldn't stand. Her nerves felt shot.

"It felt . . . like my soul was being ripped from my body. Like someone was tugging on my being."

"That can not be good," Zoë said. "We will need to keep moving though. Time is of the essence. I will be able to create a doorway, just like Thanatos. But, it won't be able to last for long and it will take some time."

Maya nodded in agreement.

She sat down in front of her, in a meditative state. She focused on the place in front of her, and poured her own magic into it. Ryan had modified her body to control deathly energy as well as chaotic magic. It takes a lot of magic though. Beads of sweat rolled their way down her face as she concentrated. Turning plants to dust. Turning the soil darker. Dark storm clouds surrounded the camp, making the campers look on uneasily.

"Dark art: doors of death."

Easily one of the most complex circles she has ever memorized. Containing over a hundred words of power that she had to chant. It took her a minute, but then, the earth opened up. Green fired spewed up as a new door opened up. Grand and golden, resembling elevator doors. She held out her hand where a golden magical circle was drawn in black, and a bronze key materialized. She stuck it into the lock on it's side and the doors of death opened. Luke carried Maya on his back in as Zoë closed the doors. The began descending.

"It's getting worse," Luke whispered. From a viewing platform, they could see the underworld in chaos. The ghost shined brightly, even taking physical forms as they rushed around, raiding the posts and Elyseum along with the isle of the blessed. The very few of the furies and others from Hades army gathered and protecting the main castle of Hades. Confused just as much as the spirits.

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