Chapter 12 The ice prince

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Ryan sneezed, almost dropping the sword in the bottomless cavern.

"Be careful with that!" Annebeth yelled, "we just got it!"

"I know," Ryan said. "It just that I don't have a lot of friends. Shouldn't be much trouble though. Let's keep moving."

They moved along the edge of a narrow pathway heading out of the cave they had been exploring. Apparently Gabriela had hid the sword after Magnus died. In a null void cave in the world. It was enchanted with celestial level magic that kept all magic away. So Ryan couldn't pop in then out. They had to explore the cavern in order to recover the sword. In an effort to keep it from trying to kill them Ryan wrapped the sword in a clothe then tied it to his back. He jumped another gap and caught himself on a ledge, then swung onto another pathway. Then he smelled something. Then sneezed again.

"I think I'm getting a cold," he snorted. "Wait, is it me or did it just dropped twenty degrees?"

Annebeth could suddenly see her breath as it drifted away from her mouth. "What is it?"

Ryan smiled. "Let's keep climbing and find out for ourselves shall we?"

He made the final leap and landed outside. He stretched and helped the others up. To their amazement, they were in the middle of a snowy forest, even though they were in north South American. The leaves were all frozen solid and the trees were covered in frost. The ground was covered in almost an inch of snow. They all shivered without warmth, except Ryan who sustained himself comfortably.

"This magic is familiar," Ryan said. "If I knew better I . . . "

Suddenly an ice shard came out of nowhere and nearly punctured Frank if Ryan hadn't thrown the sword and deflected it. He summoned the sword back and reattached it to his back strap.

"You're senses are as keen as ever," said a cold and familiar voice from the trees above them. "Although, it is sad you have forgotten my powers sir Ryan Pesmenos of the Tiger clan."

"You did this for me?" Ryan asked. "Who are you?"

A figure landed a few feet away. He wore glamorous white and light blue suit made of metal that covered his torso and legs. He wore brown boots and had the matching gloves. On his back was what looked like a parka hood he could use to cover his face. In his right hand he held a staff made of iron and blue bronze. On his chest there was what looked like a key hole. He had pale skin, like Ryan's. His eyes were a piercing blue that seemed to bore into Annebeth's soul in a familiar yet piercing way. His hair was a majestic white that framed his face. And the face itself was a dead give away to who this man was.

Annebeth turned to Ryan angrily. "What is the meaning of this?"

The man bowed respectfully to them all. "My name is Perseus. Or you would like to, call me Pagos if you would please. I may have slipped a lie to the godslayers that, in exchange for your capture, I will give them all of your secrets master. Also leave the universe."

Ryan laughed. "And they all bought that?"

Pagos smiled. "Like discount rotten fruit."

"You cheeky dick!" Ryan laughed. "So, what is one of my servants doing this universe?"

"We want you back Ryan. And we have come to bring you home."

"I am guessing you can't travel either?" Ryan asked.

"Afraid not sir," he said a little sad. "But, I bet you're brilliance has already made a plan for our escape."

"And you are 100% correct my friend. Perhaps you can accompany me the rest of the way."

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