Chapter 9 Past Secrets

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Percy sat on top of the Empire State Building, looking down at his former city. It was still recovering from the massive fire that killed tens of thousands of people and cost millions of dollars of property damage. He decided it was time, and then He closed his eyes finally in the first time in years.

   He thought back to that day. That fateful day when he met Ryan himself. Of course he did not know or care for him, he was much more perplexed to see Zoë standing before him, alive and well. And the smile on her face made it known that she expected his reaction.

   "Zoê?" He wiped the tears from his face and stood before the two. "How-How are you alive? I saw you."

    "An illusion created by milady Artemis," she told him. "And, my other master Ryan."

    "It has indeed been far too long, prince of waves," Ryan smiled knowingly.

    Percy instinctively shrunk back a little. "Are you here . . . to kill me?" 

    Ryan looked a little surprised by his words, then laughed outright, remembering the predicament he was in as if now. The laughter made Percy uneasy.

   "Forgive me," Ryan said. "Usually it would be my job, as the ranger for Olympus. But not today. Instead, I came to give you a choice."

     Percy frowned at that. "You said . . . we can fix everything?"

     Ryan smiled and nodded. "Indeed."

   "What if I don't want it fixed!" He suddenly busted. Ryan and Zoë were a little surprised. Ryan noticed his hair, slowly losing color as his emotions became even more twisted. His irises turning silver and his skin paling. His face shown nothing but painful emotions.

     "What if . . . U deserve to be slain? I hurt them. I hirt all of them this time," he suddenly exploded, despite his will. He looked in horror and astonishment as the black energy bubbled up, slowly destroyibg everything around him. Zoë covered her eyes as the wind stung against her skin. Ryan was unaffected by ut, however. He walked over to Percy, to set a soft hand on his shoulder. Almost immediately, the chaoric energy dissipated.

   "Whoa there," Ryan said. "Anymore and wpuld have went beserk."

    "How did you-"

    "Now, come along Percy," Ryan interrupted him. "I have sonmn ething to show you."

     What he saw helped him make up his mind. As he saw the depths of what chaos truly was. What the world truly is. And what it will take for him to truly repent. And all of tuis came from one man.

   "How . . . can I thank you," he asked him one day. Ryan just smirked as he always does when he is confronted with one of these questions.

     "Don't thank me just yet," he told him. "You will repay your debt soon enough."

When he opened them, he wasn't looking at the New York skyline. He was inside of some cave, with some inscriptions on the smooth sandstone walls. The floor was ankle deep with murky water. He was in front of a barred priso the size of a house. And inside, there was a giant, shadowy creature, resembling a snake. It's skin was like fire, ash, mist and sand thrown into a neverending blender. It roared at Percy as soon as he arrived. But Percy wasn't scared of him. Not anymore.

"Hello Apophis," Percy said. "Long time no see."

"Percy," the dark graveling voice echoed throughout Percy skull and it penetrated his thoughts. "I will be free, sooner or later."

"That seems a little far fetched don't you think. You have been residing in my body, feeding off of all my hatred and negative feeling, creating disaster around me to fuel you and making yourself stronger. I decided long ago that I will end this never ending cycle of hatred."

Chaos Bringer (Percy Jackson; The God Slayer From Another World)Where stories live. Discover now