Chapter 4

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Audrey is breaking my heart. Gracie finally came and got Audrey to go with her. “I can't even.” Faith started to say. “what's she like when I am not home?” I ask. “happy. But sometimes she gets sad quickly.” I am so frustrated. “this wasn't supposed to be like this.” I said pacing. “what do you mean?” “When you stopped working I thought I could be out for a day or two longer.” “These week long stretches began when you hired Eli.” Faith said. “yeah. I don't mind the strategy he is using but I hate being away from home all the time.” “trust me we do too.” She said. Gracie walks in the kitchen. “what's up?” I asked. “Audrey won't stop bothering us.” “Okay. She is only three.” Faith said. “well do something about it.” Gracie snapped then walked out. “what was that?” I asked Faith. “she has been going through a mouthy stage.” She said. “Tim I don't like Eli as much as I did Stephen.” “I know. But Stephen needed a change.” I said. “does he not understand that family is important. I know I am home right now but he doesn't get to use that as a reason to keep you longer.” She said. “I don't know what you want me to say!” I say loudly. “it hurts to see Audrey this way! When you leave I have to be tough!” She yelled back. I look at Faith then walk out of the room and go outside. I need to calm down and she does too.

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