Chapter 1

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Tris POV

I've been at Zeke and Uriah's Candor or Dauntless party for around a hour now. We're all still fully clothed which is a bit boring. It's Christina's turn to ask someone, "Four, C or D?"
"Dauntless." He replies.
Chris looks at me and wiggles her eyebrows, "Play seven minutes in heaven with whoever you want."
Everybody starts either winking or wiggling their eyebrows at me. They all know me and Tobias have been dating since initiation. He nods and stands up. I get ready to be pulled up when he walks over to... Lauren?
"Oh yeah, me and Four have been dating around a month or so now." She states.
I feel my eyes fill with tears as they walk into the spare bedroom. Once they're gone, I unconsciously stand up and sprint out the apartment in tears.

Four POV

I guess I shouldn't have left it till a Candor or Dauntless game to announce it but what happens, happens. Me and Lauren just clicked and she could do stuff Tris would never do because of a stupid stiff fear. I'm a stiff too but at least I didn't let that follow me into Dauntless.

Zeke POV

As soon as Tris has run out the door I tell everyone I'll go after her. I've always had a massive crush on her but I wouldn't act on it because Four WAS my bestfriend. He's dead to me now. How could he cheat on her?! I would do anything to have her and he had her and cheated? It's fucked up.
"TRIS! SLOW DOWN!" I call out.
She freezes and slowly turns around. I carry on running up to her and let her cry into my shirt.
I stroke her hair as she sobs her heart out.
"Shh, Trissy. It's okay. I'm here. I'm always here." I soothe.

Her breathing evens and she pulls back from my chest.
"Thank you." She squeaks.
I kiss the top of her head, "It's okay. Let's get you back to your apartment now."
She nods and let's me lead her back to her apartment. We finally reach her apartment and she opens the door. I go to turn away when I hear her voice, "Zeke?"
"Yeah, Trissy?"
"Will you stay with me?"
She blushes the tiniest amount and grabs my hand.
"I'll sleep on the sofa, then?" I ask.
"I've got a double bed. There's plenty of room for both of us." She replies.
I feel heat rush to my cheeks so I just nod. She gets into her bed and I get in next to her. When I know she's asleep for certain I kiss her head and whisper, "I love you, Tris."

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