The Journey

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It was a dark and cold winter night.The leaves were rustling.The trees swishing side to side.The moon and stars shining so bright.The road as clear and plain as snow.The only sound to be heard was the car my dad was driving.My family and I were headed to Salfell Town.A six hour drive from our former home in Sadain .
New governments were made and economy changed.This time to our disadvantage.My father couldn't bear his family suffer because of him.We survived on fruits and vegetables every single day.When we got lucky,we ate a full meal and went to bed.One room, a bathroom,one chair and a kitchen was what sustained a family of five. So my dad thought there would be new and better opportunities in Salfell Town.
This town is known for it's laws as I researched.Never did I come across them though.Not because of time or lack of resources.But there were no websites that delivered that information.I kept wondering because truth be told.I'm always hungry for knowledge.I couldn't wait to know about my new surroundings.
I was full of alacrity to have a new environment and home.I was also very miserable.I would lose my friends,my boyfriend and my best friend Sammy.She has been one of the most important people in my life.Ever since we were at our tender age.I mean surely there are devices to stay connected.The problem is,it never will be the same.
On the other hand,my brother Cause missed his girlfriend, Samantha.Samantha is a popular cheerleader.Suprisingly a bright one.She has so much curiosity that the entire world could not satisfy. I, Miranda hated her .She is so competitive.Till date i still wonder how they made a relationship work.There total opposites.And Franky is only two years of age.She still doesn't know how complicated life is.She only eats,laughs,plays and sleeps.
My brother Cosgrove but we call him Cause,my sister Franky along with our parents,Mr and Mrs Stallion are one big family.Not your everyday type of family.Rather a family with so much, stress,anger , irritation and frustration.But never betrayed, stabbed in the back or abandoned.If it were the case,my parents would have divorced a long time ago.
You'll be amazed by the capabilities of poverty.I also realized it when the love and compassion between my parents disappeared. They were unseparateable.My father never took a decision without my mother.But today even this journey was against mom's preference.My mom always defended her man in battles.Always fierce while my dad smiled and watched.Today she has become his first open predator.
They shaped each other's lives for the better.Now all they do is forcefully tear and consume each other's flesh.
We have one hour remaining to reach our destination.My siblings and I joked around at the back seat as the hour went by quickly.
When we reached our departure, we were all enervated judging from our appearance.Infront of a cream colored house,a black door and four windows was where our vehicle parked.We all hoped out.I thought the house wasn't much promising.It was similar to our house in Sadain. Promising on the outside and disheartening on the inside.

I made the first step into the house and gasped.So surprised not a word came out from my mouth.I held my breath and looked at my dad. Suddenly a tear dropped.I could tell my mom felt the same way too. Scanning the room as if she was in another universe.My dad stood proud as non-vigorous Cause stood next to him.
Inside the house were three rooms,two bathrooms and a kitchen.I got my own room.Cause also kept an entire room to himself.Now that left a lion and a deer---bloody.

We all looked at each other.We knew that left a room ,two angry adults and a young child.The space was sufficient for the three.But in this case we were avoiding a bloody room in the morning.But so far, everything went well.
We were applied to a school.I woke up six in the morning.I saw men old enough to get married running on the street as they passed by our house.They were all very fit,some slim but none were fat.They can even be mistaken for military men, but perhaps they might have been.I got dressed and went downstairs.For the first time we ate as a family.We got to the bus stop and waited for our ride.As our bus approached,we hoped on.Cause and I realized a weird organization.Girls in front while boys were at the back.This was black vs whites all over again.Except this time it was with gender.Whats more weird is the fact that this wasn't girls seeking equality as it usually is but rather boys would be the ones seeking equality.We entered slowly and sat as organized .We reached school and the same distinction between genders was made in class.I smiled because in whatever situation,first meant better and we girls were first.Cause looked at the arrangement disapprovingly.We sat as Mrs.Filedelfia entered the classroom.The entire class started sympathizing with her.I sat their curious to what was happening.One girl touched me and asked my name.She then told me about the event happening around me.Her husband died because he raised his voice at his wife,she said.He did it out of anger but it was still his fault she believed.He should have known it was illegal.But she still never wanted her husband's soul to be taken by her.She loved him so dearly,she added.I turned and murmured it was too late now as I thought about what she meant by ''she'' and his soul being taken away by her .And to die because he raised his voice towards his wife.If that was the case then my parents would have died so many times.And Mrs Filedelfia or does she mean to say Miss Filedelfia.I chuckled as the whole class returned to normal.
Five more minutes and the bell rang.I walked in the halls as I saw posters with the title ''How to be a gentleman and avoid breaking the law''.I stood shocked at what that meant.I mean I understood all the words and what they meant.But first Victoria the girl that spoke to me in class says something about getting killed because he raised his voice and now being a gentleman without breaking the law.I mean maybe I am just making a mountain out of a mole hill.But all this seems like something different goes around in this town.

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