The Stranger

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"We're home",came in mom and dad.Now the kiss on the cheek made sense.They did not want to be caught going against the law which is treating the woman badly.We all headed downstairs as if we knew of nothing.We hid the flyer and went downstairs to welcome them.How was the outing?,I asked curiously. While my three partners in crime backed me up."It was okay"they answered in unison."Well I will be off to bed",said Samantha out of the blue which broke the silence that settled for a while.We went along with Samantha's reason and back upstairs we all went."Don't forget about school tomorrow!",shouted mom."Ugh",I groaned forgetting about school while my head was wrapped in this mysterious weekend or town in general .

"What are we going to do?",asked Cause."Well for one,we will have to skip school.Secondly,visit the museum.Thirdly,well I do not have anything yet",I replied."That sounds good", agreed Sam.Samantha gave Cause a peck on the mouth(gross)and he left to sleep.We entered our rooms where even after the kiss Samantha and Cause still disturbed Sam and I with their texting while we attempted to sleep.I recalled of the Derek news and shared with Sam.It also did not make sense to her that Derek would live in Salfell Town and stay in Sadain.Aggressive Sam than came out,"were going to pay Derek a little visit" she said pounding her right hand on the palm of her left.I knew what that meant and looked at her in an are you serious!kinda face.She then changed the subject to mocking my moment with Derek."Did you😘 😘 😘(making kissing noises)?",asked Sam.I shifted my head left to right in pitifully at Sam.She continued while I went to sleep.

We woke up getting ready for school.After finished so,we went to the bus.Yes,I had to go too since dad saw no difference in the way I walked for the last past couple days.We jumped on the bus and at the next stop went off.Samantha and Sam created an excuse of going shopping in pretence to meet Cause and I at where we went off the bus.We all gathered there and paid a cab to take us to the museum.We infiltrated the museum and took a glimpse here and there of some stunning artifacts.As we walked down the hall we approached the great constitution and conditions of Salfell Town.As I stood there and turned I found my three partners in crime go for pictures.I stood reading, assimilating and absorbing the deal with this town.

A man stood next to me."Psst",he sounded out with spit that splashed in every which way."Do I know you?",I questioned the stranger."It doesn't matter since I know you",he replied."You better leave before I call security",I found my voice rising as I was getting terrified."I am a lady and you know the penalty",I spoke like a person who has been in the town for a real long time."Calm down,I am a friend and I am just here to help",he replied agitatedly."I am the man you found running the other day in the morning",he opened his face so I recognize."Well why are you talking to me and help with what?",I asked."Your new to this town, correct?",the man asked."Yeah", I said sounding uncertain to whether I should be speaking with a weirdo.

"By now you must have realized the spookiness of this town",he began. "Rules, penalties and consequences are harsh",he continued.Some people have tried to lighting up change but they are now all subjected to fear.Maybe you and I can team up."Why me?",I asked direct." Your new so you do not have that fear they possess for years. And I have no doubt that anybody would like to live situated in this position,even you.So if we don't do something, who will?",he responded.I wanted to disagree but the creep made good points and he was damn right.

My family is suffering, pretending to be what their not.My father is in this pretence love with Mom and vice versa.Cause is starting to treat me differently,guess deaf is the boss.I mean the guy can drive me crazy but he is my brother and I would not want to see him controlled. Than on the other hand I have my guests who are now family by force.

"So what do we do?",I asked the strange man. Thats rude I thought. "Whats your name?" I bothered to ask."Call me Myran",he answered gladly."So what do we do Myran?",I asked again."First we....."Ahhh,let me go!".

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