The Accomodation

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The escape is now going to be clean because my friend Victoria from Salfell High is inside the porsche car that just passed the checking point.I identify her as I pop out my face from head to eyes, from the grass and spot her.Luckily she spots me too.

She waves her hands calling me to enter the back of the car as she opens it for us.Samantha,Cause and I rush into the car from the right side while Derek,Mom and Dad enter through the other side of the field.Thanks to Victoria whom creates a distraction as we enter spotless and escape freely.

Victoria comes back into the car."I heard them saying they haven't seen you guys pass the checking point so at least you still have time to set out before they start searching beyond the checking point.What did you even do?I mean I am only helping you because I saw you on the wanted poster and whatever it is I know it is assumption because your too nice", Victoria says.

Victoria's Mom driving the car says,"You sure about this Victoria,I am not ready to explain this to your father,this is illegal and we will get in big trouble once we're caught". Victoria's Mom is tall, skinny woman in her forty's,brunette long hair in the rough with bags under the eyes,she is wearing her red t-shirt and blue jeans driving under so much pressure.

"I'm sure Mom,the girl once said she had done her assignment as Mr Garcia was asking the class.As she realized she hadn't written the date she thought it was a lie to have said she had done her assignment because technically when he asked she did not finish it and that day I tried telling her to just write the date and forget it.But not Miranda,she went home with guilt ,called me a thousand times and that evening I found her at Mr Garcia's house explaining the reason she came to his doorstep as we were busy with extra lessons.The man laughed and said she is a good kid,even if she doesn't do the assignment,there must be a good reason.And I was suprised.How did she figure out his house?,I don't know",says storyteller Victoria.

We all heap in laughter which is what we all need.Even Victoria's Mom is now carrying less stress."So when you said to me you were going to rectify a matter you really meant you were going for that huh,that's my daughter",says Dad chuckling.Even Mom lit a smile.

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