The Freedom

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Victoria realizing sinks to a cry with no sound and her uncle grabs her as they head to the ground hurt.While Victoria's father stares and eventually walks towards them where Victoria pushes him away but he understands and gives her space.

Automatic!The war is over.The people are dead.No one with Derek so I walk up to him."How are you holding up?",I ask."She is my mother,I lost a mother", Derek says looking at the area she died and looks back at me with his sorrowful swollen red eyes.I feel sad,truly sad especially considering how he went to save her and with no doubt he knew he wanted to save her.So unfortunate, how close he was to saving her made the event more sad.I guess it was destined.

Myran and Sam come down from the tall building.Mom runs to dad where Franky laid cuddled underneath his arm beside his ribs.She wraps herself while holding dad.Mom only notices dad at the time, touching his face, hands and shirt so lightly and fragile while she looks so ugly from the face she makes over her dead husband's body.She lay her face upon his where he kisses her ear and says,"now you care about me".She slaps him in fear at how a dead body can speak.That must have surely hurt.I run towards him assisting Dereck with walking after who he had lost.Not that he couldn't walk but as a support.

We got there and assist dad from the field as Mom backed up in fear at the moment holding her mouth and nose at the thought that a dead man is talking which frightened her.Derek holds dad from one side and I support him from the other as he stands up along with Franky.A small child injected with painful memories.

Mom now brave walks up to dad yelling and screaming at how he would joke of something like this.As she went on he grabs her by the arm,"shut up",he says and suprised at Dad's command as he kisses her away.She lost some balance at the moment.

The town's people all scattered each above the body of their loved ones.The wives upon their muscled or skinny men.Husbands or men showing no manliness as they burst tears upon the bodies of their wife.Parents looked down on their children with the thought of being bad parents.

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