The Accomodation 2

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Victoria's Mom drives us all the way back home."Where we're you coming from anyway?",I ask Victoria while we were all busy packing to leave. "Out ,far away from my Dad so we can relax before going to back", Victoria replies."Victoria!",her Mom says with the wish that she hadn't said that because it made her father sound horrible."She's joking",the mother clears the misunderstanding.

That makes me remember certain people or couple in my life,my parents.I can tell they feel the same as they look into each others eyes.We all ignore the discussion about Victoria's Mom and what she is really hiding but you can tell Victoria's family is also quite unstable.Athough she can get her husband tortured she doesn't, probably because of her daughter or simply because she is human.

As we continued to pack and work I walk up to Derek whose helping us."Where do you plan to go,isn't this like your home?"I ask Derek.He smiles."What is really the definition of home?What words associate with home?",he asks back."Wise man", I say,"answering a question with another",I add.As I turn to get the last set of boxes in our boot,I slip on a banana peel and Derek catches me.As I look up, I find Samantha and Cause by the staircase above me,Cause waving with a face that says I did it and his girlfriend Samantha with holding a banana moving it back and forth clearly showing me it is them as she also makes the same face as Cause, portraying lovey-dovey faces and before they start making kissing sounds I surrender out of his arms and "thanks",I say.

I take the boxes back in my hands and about to take one step out the door when loud gunshots were fired at so many times.Boom!Boom!Boom!

I drop the boxes and at both sides are my father and Dereck who have come to push me out of the way,but we gong our heads and end up huddling on the floor against the wall by the floor. Everyone is also on the floor,some laid there shaking like hens giving birth in fear.Others by the staircase huddle by the stair rail.

Were all panicking.Who is it?,that question didn't have to be asked. "Go,go,go",my Dad shouts as we exit covering ears,heads and selves. "Victoria",her Mom says trembling her name while holding her daughter so close."Go,go,go,Dad shouts pointing to our car directing us."We have our own car,thank you", Victoria's Mom says while she is speaking,boom! a gunshot shot the front glass of Victoria's Mom car.She stops speaking and walks to our car holding her daughter's hand.I am chuckling at the situation when my Dad pulls and drags me into the car.We drive out to Victoria's home.On the way, Victoria's Mom complaining of her car and the situation we got them in is louder than the gunshot."Now they will see the car and they will follow us too.Than...", Victoria's Mom keeps going stating a series of events that will take place before they took place."Calm down,woman",Dad says to her so she relaxes and takes a breath.As for Victoria,she gives a face that indicates this is how she usually is.

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