The Treatment

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Victoria's Mom is about to collect her husband's briefcase like she always does but this time he refuses and makes her feel the luxury he has been feeling for years,one that she has been giving him.But now the shoe is on the other foot.

He asks her to relax,lay down and hands her the remote."Have you eaten?",the rough looking man with his rough looking hair asks his wife.He wears glasses,spots on the cheeks,always in a thick t-shirt with a blazer,blue jeans and black shoes.He puts his wife's hair behind her ear and asks her if she wants anything and if she has eaten."Please don't do this", she pleads and starts to tear up.Acting like this only means he is angrier.He grabs her by the shoulder and comforts her.Even though doing so,she is afraid inside.After that few seconds connection,he excuses himself and heads upstairs.

Victoria peaks into the living room."You broke dad into a better man and dad", Victoria states excitedly."You better be more cautious now",the mother replies.

Victoria's Mom sends Victoria down to us.Victoria takes the excess food they make in the house today and quickly runs to the secret room to hand it and come back up without security or the father noticing.As she heads back up we start to plan on leaving this damn town.

We all throw our ideas but each has a default.We kept living like this,confined,fed but safe.Victoria and her mom also had the adventure of a beautiful family while it lasted because today is the day Victoria's dad snitches.The man finds a little mistake that dooms us all.

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