The Motion

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As time fled by so fast it is night that took over.We did the usual,sleep our tiredness off and regained energy for tomorrow, the big day.Ever since mysterious Salfell, school has been a turn over.But adventure is definitely coming for once in my life.

We all planned to wake up early.I rose and went to the center of the stairs where both my sides were stair cases.By the stairs I stood watching Sam and Derek.He asked Sam of the kissing incident and why I had left the way I did.In which Sam answered him honestly.She gave him the brush reason.I became super embarrassed and then I am standing alone talkless of being in front of him.

I stopped the blushing on my cheeks the moment I went to greet Mom and Dad because the room is arranged in a manner of two unmarried beings.The bed says somebody laid on me but the floor also said the same.My eyes knocked to the ground in fear of the worst.

I headed down and greeted everyone.Dad held me tight, answering my greeting while he smiled and kissed me on the head.I looked up and smiled but in my head said,Did you do the same to your wife?

Derek excused himself to get to business that is gun purchase,Mayor convincing and when he was out Myran and Sam headed to duty too.While Samantha,Cause, Mom,Dad and I stayed behind to discuss our Before we began, Samantha does you mother know about this,did she call or anything?, dad asked.But Samantha
lied.Dad believed her words and yet I found myself for the first time agreeing with Samantha.I connected with her.I probably would have done the same with the situation at hand. Samantha's relationship with Sam is also better because now they communicated with words than action.

I made some research,dad began. Within the five 'stay with the Mayor' members are also two partners and one individual.Miranda and Samantha will partner up and deceive the original 'stay with a Mayor' bodyguards A and B , collect their uniforms,guns and convince them that the trip with the Mayor is off with assurance that the bodyguards are convinced.Cause you do the same with your guy.And your Mom and I will do the same with our bodyguards too,dad concluded his explanation. Who said I wanted to be your partner?,Mom broke out.My head drooped low along with the rest of the team.We knew an argument is coming.Whose partner do you want to be?,dad asked the beast in a calm voice.Well now you ask,she replied as we stood round listening to their conflict.Dad said okay grabbing Mom's hand and off they went to their mission.Move out!, he yelled while they entered their vehicle.But Mom kept resisting his touch.

Cause pointed to his cheek next to Samantha as she understood and kissed it.Cause did the same with me and seeing it is the first time Cause ever asked for something as such,I am compelled to give it to him.In thinking maybe he needed support.I was close to kissing it when Cause moved holding his gut laughing.You didn't think I was being serious,he said walking out. Samantha and I made eye contact like yep thats our Cause. After five minutes,Cause came back and before I could get a word in he came and hugged me tight and left.I smiled almost feeling like shredding tears as they stuck in my oesaphagus painfully.But my eyes surely watered.

Samantha also smiled.What is the plan?,she asked.Well first the two curious girls head out.I wore my black  glasses and gave one spy looking glass to Samantha as we locked the house and imagined ourself in slow motion.

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