The Accomodation 3

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Victoria directs us to their home.We reach their home."My apologees,we haven't even met ",my Mom says to Victoria's."I'm Miranda and Cause's Mom.Thats their father.The rest are helpers really",my Mom explains.She extends a hand for shaking with a smile that reaches to her cheek stretching like the Great Wall of China.Helpers!She could have said friends.But we knew mother and we just shake our heads and ignore.

Victoria's Mom makes eyes at my Mom and keeps pacing back and forth extremely reluctant, one hand on her neck and the other on her head."Ive brought in strangers without consulting my husband",she speaks to herself shaking her hands in dismay I expressing her frustration."What will he say,what will Frank say",she adds hitting her head on the fridge as she says each word,with stress and anxiety.Im suprised Mom didn't attack after what Victoria's Mom did.

"Consultation huh,well I can relate",Dad sends an indirect comment to Mom.Mom staggers her eyes at Dad's comment and adjusts the thick scarf she has on her.

"Listen after a few,you guys will leave before Frank gets back",she decides."Yes, that's exactly what we'll do.Thirty more minutes,by that time there done looking for you and your out of here", Victoria's Mom explains."Mom", Victoria says pulling out her chair at her Mom's decision."No,we've helped them enough", Victoria's Mom replies.

As the environment settles,"Don't you have like a small sister?",asks Samantha."Oh my God",says Mom."My Franky"she adds and went to the floor.Dad quickly went to get her,almost close but he only caught her head that almost broke like a coconut."I didn't want her to freak out,that's why I mentioned nothing", explains Dad.He carries Mom to the chair in the living room. Leaving Samantha feeling like she had done something wrong as she stands leaning against the sink next to Cause.Although she simply didn't know.

We leave Victoria's Mom and my Dad in the kitchen and while they discuss of the current situation ,we went to the living room.While flipping channels,we come across the news channel.It speaks of us,Franky under governmental care till fugitives come out from hiding.Also how two other fugitives have escaped---Sam and Myran.

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