The Assembly

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That afternoon we walked home because we missed our bus.That brings me to why Cause was nicknamed the name he was.He causes problems hence the term Cause.It was because of him we had to walk for like an hour.At times I feel his mistakes or accidents are not real.I mean surely one person can't be that foolish, right?
As we approached towards home,I saw many people headed to a huge field.People of different race,ethnic group, culture, tradition, religion were all there.It was like the whole world jam-packed.I ignored the crowd till I spotted my parents.I was suddenly alert.I ran towards them as fast as I could to find out what was going on.Suddenly, the officers stopped me.I explained to them that i wanted to talk to my parents. The woman said I couldn't till the test is taken.The other officer replied in agreement.I left asking myself what test they spoke of as I headed back to Cause.He asked me,what was going on?And I told him to forget it.
We entered home.We both knew we had chores .Especially because the house was scattered more than usual for some reason.We dropped off our bagpacks and got to work.And let's not forget Baby Franky.She wasn't also angel.Except if one would consider a baby's shout, refusal to eat anything, crying every five minutes,a change of a stinky diaper,messing the house up with food as an angelic baby.
We sat in the living room after Franky went to sleep.Turns out her devilish actions were making a call to sleep.We sat in the living room and relieved our stress with ice cream.I started cooking a conversation.Hows Samantha,I said.Same, Cause replied uninterested while chatting on his phone.I smiled and asked him if he wanted to play a game.Luckily he gave me a yes.I got up and got the game. As I turned around walking towards him ,there I found Old Cause and his old attitude.He'd left with his phone chatting.He had that tendency.I shook my head left and right and returned the game.
So I decided to head upstairs and chat with pals from Sadain.Half way through the stair case and someone knocked on the door.I stopped and dropped my head down and headed back to get the door.It was Mom and Dad.I welcomed them and opened with a discussion of the entire scene that happened outside.But it seems every which way I came through asking,all they did was block the passage.My dad kissed me on the forehead,told me not worry and headed upstairs.My mom smiled and did the same.And I stood there confused.I made up my mind.If no one is ready to answer my questions. Then I'll have no choice but to get the answer out of them.
The next morning,Cause came to me anxiously.From the looks of it,I knew Cause was covered with a problem.But as his sister,it was my duty and responsibility to annoy him and recall past events of what he did to me like suddenly leaving when we were about to play a game before I would answer his question.Really,he said annoyed.If you don't want to help me then fine ,he added.I realised he was truly in a pickle and asked for his concerns.Samantha is coming and Dad doesn't know about our relationship.So if you could let her stay with you as a friend,that would be amazing,Cause said.He was about to quickly escape from the room when I held his hoody.You couldn't possibly be serious,I said.He pleaded and I eventually agreed.He was walking away smiling and surprised. But she has to come with Sam,I said.Ofcourse, there's always a deal with you he replied.He turned around.He rolled his eyes and responded. Okay,but I'll have to talk it over with Samantha,he said. Whatever,but no best friend , no girl friend,I replied.He walked out dis-satisfied.I smiled.
I stared at the window as I saw the running men again.My eyebrows came close to each other as I made my thinking face.My mission started I told myself.I got a book and started
At school,Cause told me that Samantha accepted the arrangement.I called Sammy and asked for the truth.I heard a scream followed by Sammy's voice.She said,is it true?Am I coming to visit you with no expense? You are my best friend so definitely,I replied.I moved the phone away from myself because I knew what was coming next.She screamed joyously and could not wait.Cause and I shook on our deal as usual.
After school,Cause and I took the bus.I couldn't help but think about Derek.How could I?,I asked myself.We had a good relationship going and I ruined it by leaving without him knowing.He has been honest with me and all I did was leave without telling him,I didn't tell him where we went,I don't pick up his calls and neither did we speak of where our relationship was at.He asked Sammy but despite his efforts ,she kept her promise with me and she didn't tell.I snapped out from my thoughts and realized Cause was waiting for me. Or rather,many people stared and waited for me to hop out.I apologized and quickly made my way out of the bus.I fell by the bus staircase on my way out.I was embarrassed as the girls laughed and snorted.Especially Diana,boss of Salfell High.And my brother of course.I couldnt believe that I started making enemies in Salfell High just as I did in Sadain.Diana was equivalent to mean old Samantha.And the only friend I made in Salfell High is Victoria,who was almost equivalent to Sammy.But she could not be equivalent to her because she could not replace the space of Sammy in my 💓.I saw the driver look at Cause sternly and nodded back and forth while Cause laughed at me.Cause saw the driver too and stopped with the laghter. Neither did the boys on the bus laugh.So I was reminded of the poster I saw in the halls.I thought the making gentlemen club works miracleously.I got up and headed out.A few steps headed towards home and I asked Cause if he saw anything odd.He did,he replied.I lightened up.The way you spun and fell on the bus foolishly like the idiot you are,he replied. That was very embarrassing, he added.I looked at him angrily and upset,all hurt and wounded.I entered home and as my dad spotted me walking differently,he came to support me and asked me of what happened.He then commanded I keep silent and rest up in my room.On the other ✋,Cause was yelled at.I could here Dad and Mom's voice from downstairs.They were yelling at him because he did not help me out when I needed it.And I bet Cause's worst part of the yelling was when I heard my best part,go upstairs and take care of your sister as your punishment.I smirked evilishly.
The next morning,Cause came to my room and brought my breakfast.There I saw omelet, sausages, bacon,baked beans and tomato, toast and butter with a glass of orange juice.

There I saw omelet, sausages, bacon,baked beans and tomato, toast and butter with a glass of orange juice

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I looked up at him and smiled.I knew he had to have made it because though his attitude was nasty,his cooking skills were amazing.I thanked him sarcastically.He was about to leave the room when I stopped him.Could you please spread butter on my toast please,I asked him.He took a long breath and did as I asked. On his way out again,I groaned and made stressing noises to get his attention.He turned and asked for what I needed. I can not reach my glass of orange juice,I replied.About to release his anger as he suddenly saw dad entering my room.He got his act together and became respectful and obedient Cause again.Are you ready for school?,Dad asked Cause.Yeah ,I was just heading out,he replied.He looked back at me revengefully as he headed out my room.
Honey,how are you holding up?Dad smiled and asked. I'm feeling better already,I replied and​ returned his smile.Do you think you can stay home alone?he asked.Yeah,I'll be fine, I replied.What about Franky,I then asked.We'll take her to a day care,he responded.This was the best opportunity I had to ask Dad if my guests could stay over.I am in pain and so he would easily take pity on me.I asked him in a soft voice. Anything you want sweetheart, he answered. After he left,I went to my window and watched the running men as usual.I recorded yesterday's observation. And today's from what I've seen.I stared back and found a man staring back at me.I quickly hid behind the curtains.

And after a few seconds,I headed back to my bed

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And after a few seconds,I headed back to my bed.I finished my breakfast.Cause left for school after reminding me of Samantha's visit.Franky was taken to the daycare.
That left my parents and I.Then I realised that silence was in the midst of my parents for a while.I got out of my room and stood by the staircase.I widened my eyes,opened my mouth, twisted my neck as I saw......

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