The Mission

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.....I saw my dad kissing mom on the cheek.An awkward kiss but still a kiss.I 've forgotten seeing one of those since the world started.I heard him discussing with Mom about the guests I was having.Mom acted without concern.She said, whatever Miranda wants,after all she can't have anything worse than coming to this hell of a town.I made a I wish face.An I wish face that I wished mom was an easy going woman.I wish mom would put the past behind.I wish the families I saw everyday would stop being seen by my vision.Rather,I would feel it because I'm in it.I took a long breath and went back to my room.My eyes caught the attention of the picture frame that had my parents wedding photo inside.I smiled and said I wish.
Few minutes later I heard the door slam after my parents yelled love​ you hon and left the house.My brain and eyes examined and we're alert with the question,How are they going out with one car? Straight to the window I peeked.I saw my dad hand mom the keys and leave on foot.I smiled and wished to have that when I grow up and get married.Without the chaotic aspect of their marriage though.
I sat on my bed bored.The phone rang and I picked.A deep voice that sounds like a man says hello.I answered.He said,come by your door and stand.You mean my room door,I replied.No bitch,the door to the main entrance of your home,he responded. My heart raced.My eyes went watery.I sniffled and wondered if listening to a stranger was a good idea.He yelled some more and I had no idea when I automatically obeyed his orders.I'm here,I answered as several thoughts came to my mind.Am I going to die? Am I going to get hurt more than I already was?Will I ever see my family again? Oh,my crooked yet perfect family I thought.Unlock the door,he screamed.I squeezed my eyes,tightly bit my lip, crunched my face and made a "my time has come face".I unlocked the door.I heard a slight opening of the door followed by a faster push of the door.There and then I felt a hug.My body shriveled as I heard Sammy's squel.I opened my eyes,so angry yet so happy.I pushed Sammy away and gave her a stern look.She played along.
I welcomed them inside.Where's Causy?, Samantha asked. It's Cause or actually Cosgrove and he's at school,I replied.Samantha looked at me like I was no help and asked for her room.Were sharing a room ,I answered her.Freaky, boring and I, what a waste of a bus ticket.She took her stuff and asked for the room location,I pointed with my finger as she headed to unpack.Sammy literally turned my frown upside down and don't worry ,were only staying for the weekend she smiled and said to me.Let's head upstairs,I'll help you unpack,you guys will eat,get dressed and we can all head out.I also have something to share with you.I told Sam.Okay because I also have a juicy one too, she replied.We got dressed,about​ to eat and head out.While we were busy eating,Sam asked how I got injured.I told her.So your not going out she said.Yeah I am,I'm not going to waste your visit because of a small injury,I replied.So your making something possible despite the difficulties,she asked.I guess so I replied.Unlike your relationship with Derek she asked.I knew you were getting at something. And it's easier this way because we're not even compatible.We know some day he would be leaving me for someone that complements him.Or someone less boring as I looked at Samantha.Yep,because Margaret Suirmos has started creating sparks with him.She is actually ummm fun, Samantha replied and went off to wait for us outside.I drooped down staring at my meal.You know Derek never stopped asking of you.He's even went on a holiday.I think he said something about going back home.And how he came and chose to stay and study in Sadain because of you.....wait I'm not helping,am I?I shook my head in agreement that she was not helping.Take things easy Mira.And your not a boring person,just not a risktaker.And thats fine.After the speech,Sam headed outside too.I thought about it.What Sam said,it's true,my life is boring and I'm in highschool, almost finishing it.Then I'll have no time to enjoy life.Is that what I truly want?I asked myself.A car honked and interfered my thoughts.I quickly ate my meal and headed to enter the taxi they stopped.
We went to the mall and back.

We went to the mall and back

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