Trans Damian

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*Stay tuned till the end.*

Damian was always taught that the leader of the League of Assassins had to be and only would be a male.

For a while he didn't really care for this rule but as he grow older,he or really she learned. She was training in the dojo and over heard her Gtandfather and Mother.

"HE thinks he a female!"

Damian stopped training and listened closely.

"AND! Father this isn't 600 years ago,woman free all kinds of business and hell even England has a Queen!"

He growled,"I don't care,until he learns that HE is what he was brought into this world to be he'll never be ruler or Welcome in the place of Al Ghul.

He heard his Granfather's footsteps leaving and the door slide open to show a sad and disappointed Talia.

"I'm sorry my child,I have failed you."

Damian sobbed not only was she never going to be leader of the league but her own Grandfather didn't support her choices either.

Her Mother helped her make small changes to herself but of course Ra knew and he had some of his men try to kill Damian.

Talia knew her daughter would never be safe so she sent her off to leave with Bruce.

She knew that no matter what Bruce wouldn't try to kill her for her choice.

It took both Bruce and Damian to adjust but you helped them both with the new life. You helped Damian cope with the decisions her grandfather made and Bruce with finding out he had a well...daughter.

It was a big adjustment but they both learned how to help each other with it and the bonded a lot more.


*So First yeah it's short about that for one. But yeah....So here it goes. I haven't been writing because I just have been inspired to write and it's just to many books for me to keep up with so. I am stopping a lot of them.  The only books that will keep being posted are this one.

My Red Hood,Nightwing and Red Robin books will be the only ones I post major of the time. I sorry if you had another book I do that I'm stopping but I'm in High School now and I take higher classes and that means double the work load and less free time. So yeah Wattpad will take a back seat,and I hope you understand. Again sorry and see you around.*

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