I'll Sleep When I'm Old- Part 9

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Back up in the room, the food was put into the mini-fridge, music filled the air, and candles lit up the room. You were looking out at the window at the view of the Eiffel Tower when hands were wrapped around your waist and kisses placed along the side of your neck.

"I feel like we're in some cheesy romance movie," you laughed.

"There's nothing wrong with that," he smiled.

"I didn't say there was," you smiled.

"So," he said taking your hand. "Can I have this dance?" He smirked twirling you around to face him.

You laughed with a nod and he brought you closer to him. You both swayed to the music a bit and he stared into your eyes.

"Don't look at me like that," you laughed.

"What? Why?" He laughed.

"It makes me nervous," you whispered.

"I look at you like that all the time," he smiled.

"I know, but right now, it feels different," you whispered.

"Bad different?" He whispered.

"No, good different," you smiled. "It's making me feel things that I've never felt before... things I don't think I should be feeling right now."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"It's nothing," you said shaking your head. "I don't want to freak you out."

"You're not going to freak me out, just tell me, baby," he whispered.

You sighed and looked down. "When you look at me like that, I feel like I'm falling in love with you. And that's crazy, right? I mean we've only known each other for a few short weeks and we've only been together for half of that-"

Harry interrupted you with a kiss. Except this kiss was different. Sure you two have shared passionate kisses before, but this time, you felt the emotion coming through. It felt deeper, more connected than ever before.

"It might be crazy," he whispered. "But at least we're in this crazy shit together because I'm falling in love with you, too."

You were smiling ear to ear as you pulled him down for a kiss. He wrapped his arms around you and lifted you up. You giggled as you held onto him and walked the two of you over to the bed. Before he placed you on the bed, he put you down and unzipped the back of your dress. You pulled it off your shoulders and let it fall to the ground.

Harry took off his suit jacket from that night and threw it on the floor next to your dress. He looked back over at you.

In previous relationships, you always felt nervous and uncomfortable when they looked at you before sex, but as he admired your half-naked body, you never felt more comfortable in your life.

He looked at you with love, admiration, and lust. The difference in this time and all your other relationships is that sex was just sex. You both had just been looking for a hookup, a purely physical relationship.

But this, this was more. Sure, this was mostly physical too, you both were human, but there was more behind it. There was a longing, a want to be connected.

There was blooming love.

He pulled you back into his arms and he ran his hands down your arms before placing his hands with yours.

Secret Love Song - Harry Styles SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now