Please, Don't Leave - Part 23

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"Well, if you're just so fucking sure I will, then why are you even sticking around if you know our relationship is going to end the same way your parents did?" He shouted staring at you, as you stood there completely shocked by his words.

The blinking of your eyes caused tears to fall down your cheeks as you stared at Harry. His chest was breathing heavily from his anger and neither of you said anything.

"W-Well, I guess if that's the way you feel maybe we should just end this here. I can get off at the next stop and fly back to London," you whispered before turning around to walk out of the room on the bus.

Before you could even make it across the tiny threshold, you felt arms around your waist and his chest against your back. His forehead was on the back of your head and you heard him sniffle.

"Please... please don't go," he whispered sadly. "I-I couldn't bear it..."

"I don't want to leave... but I'm fucking terrified Harry," you cried.

He turned you around so that you faced him and he took your cheeks into his hands. "I know you are and I wish I could promise you that we won't end up like that, but what I can promise you is that I'm not anything like your father and I love you. I love you so fucking much and if you walk out of that door... out of my life forever... I will literally be broken inside and I don't know if I'll ever able to pick those pieces up."

You reached up to wipe the tears away from his eyes. "I'm not going anywhere," you whispered. "And you're right, you're not my father and I'm sorry I even thought you might be one day. I know you love me and I want you to know that I love you too. More than I could express in words."

Harry quickly pressed his lips against yours, deepening the kiss quickly. Your arms wrapped around his neck and he pulled you closer to him. Tears were still streaming down your faces as the emotions of the night were taking over. Harry walked you both back towards the bed and you both fell on top of it. You giggled when you landed on top of Harry.

His hands were roaming around your back as he once again took off your bra and dropped it to the floor. He sat the two of you up as he kissed your neck and eventually pressed kisses on your chest before giving more attention there between his hands and his mouth.

You let out soft gasps as you push yourself closer to him. He then flipped you both over so that you were laying on the bed. He kissed down your stomach before kissing up and down your legs. You were getting squirmy every time you thought he would touch you right where you wanted, but only to be disappointed when he bypassed the spot.

You knew he was doing it on purpose because you could feel him smirking against your skin.

"You're mean," you mumbled.

"You'll thank me later," he smirked up at you.

You rolled your eyes towards him and he laughed before pressing his lips against yours. You gasped against his lips when you felt his hand touch you. You gripped onto his shoulders and arch your back into him.

He kissed you one more time before kissing his way back down your body before his mouth joins his hands. You cry out with a moan and bring your hands to his hair.

Your breathing starts to quicken and so does his pace. You feel him mumble something and you're quickly brought over the edge. He continues until you've come down from the high. He perks his head and smirks at you when he sees your chest moving quickly up and down and sweat glistening your skin.

"Normally, I'd tell you to wipe that stupid ass smirk off your face, but you did good," you giggled. "But now it's your turn."

You pushed him back onto the bed and kissed him. Just as he was about to deepen the kiss, even more, you pulled away and kissed down his chest. You decided to give him a taste of his own medicine and were teasing him pretty badly.

"Y/N," he groaned after a while.

"Yes?" you smirked innocently.

"I've gotten your point, now please do something," he practically whined.

"Hm, like this?" You smirked placing your hand on him.

He jerked at the feeling of your touch. "Yes," he mumbled.

You giggled and moved your hand slowly as you brought your lips down to meet his. He let out little moans into the kiss. Before he was too far gone, he removed your hand and reached over to grab a condom from his bag.

He quickly, but carefully put on and turned to face you. You smiled over at him, turning on your side and bringing your leg on top of his. He pulled you closer to him and gently pushed himself inside. You both groaned at the contact, something you haven't physically felt in a few weeks, but also emotionally as well.

His hand was sat on your hip on the side of your leg as you both moved together. Your foreheads were touching and you were so close you weren't sure where your breaths ended and his began. You stay at the slow and steady pace for a good while before you felt the rush in your bodies coming closer to the edge.

He then took the opportunity to turn you both from your sides to your back as he quickened the pace. After that, it didn't take very long before you were sent over the edge and him soon after. He rolled off of you and pulled you into his arms when he laid next to you.

You looked up at him and saw tears escaping his eyes again that night. You sighed reaching up and wiping them away.

"I really do love you, " he whispered. "And I never want to hurt you... I never want to be the reason you go back to being how you were these last few weeks."

"I know, I know," you whispered. "And I really love you, too."

He smiled and moved hair out of your face. "So, does this mean things are okay with us now?" He whispered.

"They were always okay... until I made it not okay," you sighed. "I really am sorry... you never deserved what I did..."

"Hey, I know why you did," he said. "Like you said, your parents were the ideal couple you looked up to, so it shifted everything for you. I knew deep down you didn't think I would do the same to you, but you just needed to believe that."

"I don't want to ever lose you," you whispered. "Or what I feel for you. I've never... I've never felt this way before and while it scares me... it also makes me feel safe."

He laughed. "I know exactly what you mean by that," he said. "The feelings I have towards you are so fucking intense that I know if something were to ever go bad for us... it would fucking break me and I'd be miserable, but it also makes me feel like I'm home. That as long as I'm with you, I feel complete... whole, if you will. I don't miss anything when I'm with you."

"Well, aren't you just a little poet romantic tonight," you giggled.

"I try," he joked.

You giggled with a yawn. "After all that, I could really fall asleep, but I know once we do, we'll be at the hotel."

"We can just sleep in here tonight," he smiled. "I don't exactly feel like getting up and dressed anytime soon."

"Me either," you laughed.

"Then it's settled. We're staying on the bus," he laughed kissing your head.

You smiled pulling the blanket over the two of you as he pulled you in closer before falling asleep feeling better about your relationship than you ever had before.


Aww they made up! Click that cute little star button if you're happy they're okay! :)

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