The Surgery - Part 28

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You had decided to go ahead and have the surgery the following day. You knew that you needed to have it, but it was mostly Harry's egging on that you decided to finally go through with having the surgery. Harry was in the waiting room while you were in the operating room. He kept looking at his phone to check the time. They said the surgery shouldn't take long, but it felt like an eternity.

While Harry was waiting, not only was he worried about you in surgery, but he kept debating with himself on contacting your parents to let them know what was going on with you. In the midst of everything that happened, neither of you hadn't really mentioned the topic of telling your parents and since the last phone call with your father, you hadn't really brought either of them up.

He told his Mother and sister about it and they were supportive. Anne even offered to fly out to help you with recovery while he went to the next few cities for the next couple of shows. Speaking of the shows, he had arranged to keep the closer shows scheduled and announced he'd postpone the following week's shows at a later date. He felt bad that he was letting down his fans, but he knew he needed to be with you.

He looked at his phone again to check the time and it had only been an hour since you went back to surgery. He groaned running his hands over his face. The coffee he had gotten himself after you back was now cold, so he got up to throw it away. He started walking around the waiting room because sitting down and waiting was getting old.

After another ten minutes passed, Harry went over to the front desk to ask a nurse about the status of your surgery.

"Hi, excuse me," Harry said. "I was wondering about my girlfriend Y/N. She's in surgery right now."

"Um, I haven't heard anything from the doctor's, but I can call and check to see how everything is going and let you know," she smiled.

"Will you please?" He smiled.

"Of course," she said picking up the phone and dialing a number. "Hey, this is Melissa and I'm calling on behalf of Y/N's boyfriend, he was just wondering how the surgery is going."

Harry stood to the side of the desk as he waited when he got a text from Lou telling him that she and a few of the others were on their way to the hospital to sit with him. He texted her back saying okay and that you were still in surgery.

"Okay, thanks," the nurse said before hanging up the phone.

Harry looked over at her and leaned against the counter again.

"Everything is going well," she said. "And that she should be done within the next hour."

He sighed. 'Thanks," he nodded.

"If you want to head to the cafeteria and get something to eat, we can call you if she gets out earlier," she said.

"Oh, uh, thanks for the offer, but I'm not hungry," he said.

"Okay, but if you do happen to leave the room, just let me know and I'll call you," she said.

"Thanks," he smiled before walking back over to sit down.


An hour passed and Lou and the gang were all in the waiting room. Harry grew even more anxious now as the hour had passed and there was still no word about you being out of surgery. He had been texting back and forth with Anne some more.

"Mr. Styles," the nurse said bringing him out of his thoughts.

"Yes," he said getting up quickly from his chair and walking to the desk.

"They just called me and said the doctor willl be coming out to talk to you about Y/N and the surgery," she said.

"Okay, thank you," he said.

A few minutes later, the doctor dressed in scrubs walked out and took Harry into another little room, just like before.

"Hey, Harry, how are you doing?" He smiled.

"Okay, but I'll be better once I know how everything went," he said.

"Of course," the doctor nodded. "So, the surgery did confirm my diagnosis for her, however...." 

"However, what? Is it bad?" He asked.

"Her condition is much worse than I thought it was," he stated. "There is too much lining to remove without removing the uterus entirely, so I wasn't able to get everything out."

"What does that mean?" He whispered.

"It means that we'll have to find another way for to treat her condition or remove her uterus," he said.

"You didn't do anything right?" He asked.

"Of course not, " he said. "We'd never do anything like that without speaking to her first."

"Does she know?" Harry asked.

"Not yet," he said. "She's still in recovery."

"Can I see her?" Harry whispered.

"Yes, I'll take you back," he said.

Harry nodded and followed him back to your room. You were still sleeping, so he took your hand in his and looked down at you while you slept. He bit his lip as he thought about what the doctor said and what that would mean for you. He felt angry because you were already dealing with so much going between everything that happened with your ex and Madison, then your father and his affair, your parent's divorce, the drama between the two of you, and now this...

You didn't deserve this and Harry was afraid of how much this would break you and the thought of that was breaking him at that very moment.

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