The Results Are In - Part 27

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"Do you have the results of the test?" Harry asked.

"I do, and I have them right here," the doctor said.

You felt Harry tense up and you looked over at him confused before looking at the doctor.

The doctor opened up the file in his hand and adjusted his glasses. "The tests have concluded that you are experiencing symptoms of endometriosis."

"What's that?" You asked. "I mean I've heard of it before, but not sure what it is? Is it bad?"

"Yes and no," he said. "There are some complications that women who have it go through, extreme pain is one of them. Basically, this is a condition is where a tissue similar to that which lines your uterus is found in other parts of your body instead of just inside your uterus."

"Okay, so what does this mean? Do I have surgery to remove or it what?" You asked completely confused by everything.

"Well, we do suggest surgery at this point to fully concluded that you in fact have endometriosis. Based on the tests we've ran and your symptoms, I'm about 98% sure in my diagnosis, but surgery is the only defintive way and it can me just how severe or non severe your case is," he said. "Plus, with your permission if we find the lining outside of your uterus, we can remove it and get you on a preventive treatment plan."

"How soon can she have it?" Harry asked. "And what would her recovery time be? I'm on tour right now and we're traveling every few days."

"Maybe tomorrow? And as far as recovery, I wouldn't suggest traveling for at least a week or more," he said.

"Is this something I need to have right away?" You asked.

"No," he said. "But I would advise to have it as soon as you could."

"Could we discuss this over and get back to you?" You asked. "It's just a lot to take in right now."

"Of course, take all the time you need," he said before walking out.

As soon as the doctor was out, Harry looked over at you. "I think you should have the surgery," he said.

"But what about your tour? I can't travel for a good few weeks, so right now isn't a good time," you said. "Unless I flew back home and had the surgery there."

"That is an option, but baby, I want to be able to be with you. I can postpone some dates, my fans will understand. If venues are available I can do some dates during my time off," he said.

"You have those days off for a reason," you shook your head. "I can just wait till after the holidays."

"Baby, that's a good two months away," he said. "I don't want you to postponing your health because of me."

"Then I'll go back to London," you said. "Or stay here until I'm able to fly again."

"I'm happy with whatever you decide, but I'm going to be by your side," he said.

"Not if I don't let you," you said. "You have a tour you're committed to and thousands of fans who are looking forward to seeing your show. I don't want them to be let down because of me, especially when it's something that doesn't need to be done right now."

Harry sighed getting up from the bed and pacing around. "Y/N, I get what you're saying and I love you for thinking of me and my fans, but baby, you need to think about yourself. I'm committed to you because you're my girlfriend and I love you and this is about your health."

"I am! The doctor said I didn't need to worry about having the surgery right now. I can just postpone it a few weeks," you said.

"But he also said you needed to have it ASAP, which means why bloody wait when you can have it as soon as tomorrow," he said.

"What is up with you?" You asked. "Why are you acting like this is a life or death situation?"

"Because I thought it was!" He shouted. "God, I was so fucking scared Y/N. And then... the doctor told me what it could have been.... I've been losing my fucking mind and yes I'm fucking grateful that this isn't something super serious, but that's right now. What if you wait and it gets worse or you have another episode like last night... "

"Hey, hey, calm down," you whispered. "Come here, what's going on with you? I know what you saw was scary because I was scared too, but you're really shaken up over something. What did the doctor say to you before hand?"

"I shouldn't tell you," he said shaking his head.

"If it's about me, I deserve to know," you said. "I could just ask the doctor, but I'd rather you tell me."

Harry sighed. "The doctor told me there were a few options to what could be wrong with you and while this was one of them... there was another option that really took me for a fucking loop."

"Which was what?" You whispered.

He sighed running his hands through his hair before walking over to you. "He said you could have maybe suffered a miscarriage."

"Oh..." you said leaning back against the bed.

"I know and it was just like a whirlwind of emotions because I didn't know how to respond to that news," he sighed. "And I guess just all of that is still built up inside of me and I just and scared shitless something is going to be more wrong with you and I couldn't... I can't handle that."

"Nothing bad is wrong with me," you whispered. "Besides this, I'm perfectly healthy."

"I know that, but I just want to know you're going to be okay, always, and if he can remove what's there and let you be healthy and not in pain..." he said.

"Hey, I'm not saying I won't do the surgery because I am, I just don't know when I should do it," you said.

"I think you should do it tomorrow," he whispered. "If anything, I can be here with you for the surgery and then fly out to do the show the day after and fly right back. Hell, I'll keep flying back and forth if I need to," he whispered.

"You'll run yourself ragged," you said. "Then you'll be the one in bad health and I'll be worried about you."

He sighed. "How about this, you have the surgery and then I'll figure out all the other shit afterward..."

"You're so fucking stubborn you know that?" You mumbled.

"But you love me for it," he smirked.

"Yeah, I guess I do," you giggled.

"You guess?" He gasped.

"You know I do and I..." you yawned.

"Hey, why don't you get some rest," he said. "It's been a long night."

"But we need.-" You said.

"The doctor said we can tell him anytime, get some rest and you can tell him your plans then," he said.

You sighed nodding. "But only if you get your ass back up here and cuddle with me."

"I think I can arrange that," he smirked joining you on the bed.

He wrapped his arms around you and you snuggled into him before falling asleep. 

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