Is She Having My Baby? - Part 15

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When Harry came back from washing up, you noticed he seemed a little bit off. You were going to ask him if everything was okay, but he just sat down and started eating the food in front of him. Harry tried to pretend that something wasn't bothering him as he enjoyed lunch with you. He wanted to wait and see if you were going to bring up the reason why there was an opened pregnancy test in your bathroom.

There were so many thoughts going through his head. Of course, Harry wanted kids, but not now, he was still young and had so much to do before he was really ready to settle down and start having a family. Plus, the two of you had only been together for a few months and while he loved you and saw this relationship going for the long term, he was afraid that bringing a baby into this too soon could cause it fail and he didn't want to have a split up family like that.

"Hey, you okay?" You asked putting your hand over his.

"Uh, yeah, just a bit tired 's all," he said.

"Oh, well after this we could take a bath to relax before catching an afternoon nap," you smiled.

"Maybe just a nap," he said. "I'd be afraid of falling asleep in the tub. Actually, I'm not all that hungry right now, so I think I'm going to go lay down right now if you don't mind."

"Oh, not at all," you said. "I'll be in there in a bit."

He nodded and got up from his chair and went over to kiss your forehead before heading into your bedroom. Now, you were really feeling like something was up with Harry.

Did you do something? Was he upset with you? You kept replaying the past few hours over in your head, but Harry was gone for the entire morning. He seemed fine when he arrived, so what happened that caused him to change. Maybe he got a text or phone call that upset him. If he was still acting weird after the nap, you were definitely going to approach him about what's wrong.

Once you finished eating, you put Harry's leftovers in the fridge and threw your trash away before cleaning up a bit and going into the bedroom. Harry's boots and jacket were thrown on the floor and over on the chair. You raised up one side of the blanket and joined him in the bed. You wrapped your arms around him and cuddled up to him before falling asleep yourself.


When you woke up over an hour later, Harry was no longer in the bed. You sighed getting up and walking out into your living room, where you saw Harry standing out on the balcony. You walked out there and wrapped your arms around his waist and kissed his shoulder through his shirt.

"Sleep well?" You asked.

"Yeah," he said sort of shrugging you off a bit.

You sighed removing your arms and walking over to stand beside him against the railing.

"Something's wrong with you," you said. "You can say that you're tired, but I know it's more than that"

"I'm fine, really," he lied. He wasn't going to confront you about the test, but he really was hoping you'd tell him sooner rather than later.

"No, you're not," you sighed. "Now, if you're upset with me or I did something to make you upset, just tell me. Everything was fine this morning and now, you won't even look at me."

"It's not you," he said. "I just have a lot of shit going on."

"And I get that, but does that mean I have to take the fall for it?" You asked.

"I'm sorry, I'm just stressed, okay," he said running his hands hair.

"Well, I can help with that," you said moving closer to him.

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