A Little of a Misunderstanding - Part 14

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"Harry Styles Confirms Relationship With Gossip Mag Writer"

While the pair has been seen together multiple times within the past few weeks, it wasn't necessarily official until the writer, Y/N, accompanied Harry to the album release party of his very first solo album. The two emerged from the same black SUV and Harry quickly wrapped his arms around her and lead her into the venue.

Guests at the party say the two were inseparable the entire night and both seemed really happy.

Now, for those that are still not sure Harry and Y/N are in a relationship because neither of them has actually come out and said anything about it, just remember that actions speak louder than words.


You knew once you went to Harry's party you would see yourself and your relationship plastered everywhere, but you didn't think it would be this bad. You were starting to get recognized more and more whenever you went out to the grocery or to get coffee with Jess.

If it was that bad going out by yourself and friends, you could only imagine how it would be when you and Harry started going back out into the public again.

After the party, Harry decided that for privacy sake, to sort of stay indoors for a bit to maybe let things blow over.

You were at your flat cooking dinner for Harry, when you heard the doorbell ring. You wiped off your hands and went over to the answer the door.

"Oh, hey," you smiled when you saw Harry with flowers and a few bottles of wine.

"Hey baby," he smiled kissing you. "It smells amazing in here."

"Thanks it's almost done," you said.

"I tried calling you to see if I needed to bring anything, but it went straight to voicemail," he said.

"Shit," you sighed. "Sorry, I turned it off earlier and forgot to turn it back on."

"Why?" He asked.

"Between notifications, texts, and calls from all these people, I couldn't take it anymore," you sighed.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"All of these reporters are trying to get in touch with me. They want me to comment on our relationship," you sighed.

"Are you serious?" He sighed. "I'm sorry."

"No, it's not your fault. I just don't know how they got my number," you said.

"The media have their ways," he mumbled.

"I never did that," you sighed.

"Well, you're different," he smiled putting the flowers in some water and then pouring you both some wine.

After dinner, you both clean up the kitchen and the dishes before changing into something more comfortable. Harry changed into sweats and a t-shirt, while you put on just a hoodie and shorts. You then go into the living room and sit down on the couch.

Harry grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around the two of you, while you grabbed the remote.

"Movie night?" You asked.

"Yeah, that sounds good," he smiled kissing your head.

"I'm choosing the movie," you said going to Netflix and scrolling through.

"Oh god," he joked.

"OOH! I know what we can watch," you said. "Titanic, that way you'll know what scene is where. I can't believe both you and James got the "drawing" scene wrong."

Secret Love Song - Harry Styles SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now