The Secret's Out- Part 10

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While you were in the shower, you felt arms wrap around your waist and hands grab your chest. You giggled.

"Really?" you laughed.

"Yep, did you really think I'd let you shower alone," he smirked.

"This is going to turn into more than a  shower isn't?" You laughed leaning against him.

"Well, we should finish where we left off..." he smirked.


When it was time to leave for the interview, you two went out the back where the car was waiting. Harry took your hand and the hotel worker opened up the door. As soon as the light of day hit your eyes, so did the flashing light of cameras.

"Shit," Harry mumbled. "Keep your head down and don't let go of my hand."

You nodded and put your head down before you felt Harry leading you out the door. All you heard was the sound of cameras and yelling. Harry stopped when he got to the car and helped you inside before getting in himself. The door was slammed shut and the car.

"Are you okay?" Harry said quickly.

"Uh yeah... I think I'm more in shock than anything," you said. "I thought they couldn't come in the back?"

"They're not supposed to," he shook his head. "But unless there's round the clock security back there, it's not really monitored."

"Do you think they came back there because of the article," you whispered.

"Probably," he sighed. "I'm so sorry about this," he whispered kissing your head.

"No, it's okay. It's not your fault," you said.

"It might be even crazier at the show today," he whispered.

"I'll be okay," you said. "And I'll just stay backstage and watch it from there."

He nodded. "I'm really glad you're here though," he smiled.

"I'm always going to be there," you smiled.

"That makes me happy to hear," he whispered.

You leaned over to kiss him. He put his hand over your face and kissed you back.

Once at the studio for the interview, there was a crowd of fans and paps lined up on the sides of the entrance to get to the door. Luckily, they were barricaded.

"Ready?" Harry asked.

"Yeah," you nodded.

The door opened and Harry got out first, causing loads of screaming fans to start shouting. Harry waved to them before turning around and helping you out of the car, which caused them to scream even more. Harry put his hand on your back and walked with you into the studio, waving to fans.

As soon as you got in, Harry had to get his hair done and changed into the outfit he would be wearing.

"Stop staring," he smirked as he buttoned up his shirt.

"I'm not staring. I just happened to look up from my phone at the same time you looked at me," you laughed.

"Hm. Sure," he smirked. "I think we both know that you can't enough of this," he said motioning down to his body." 

Secret Love Song - Harry Styles SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now