Chapter Four

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                                                            LAUREN'S P.O.V.

Hunter smiled at me as I walked past him. I know he loves me but he seems a little distant. Is he seeing someone else? I walked into Advanced Algebra worried that he had found someone better.

Caleb waved me over to sit next to him. He was always my project partner. We worked really well together. He must have sensed that I was worried because he immediately started asking questions.

"What's up? Parents still fighting? Is it Hunter?" he asked.

I nodded and said, "I don't know what's going on. He seems really distant."

"Text him. Tell him you love him or something sappy like that."

So I texted him: I love you. Can't wait to see you. :)

He replied within seconds: I will always love you more. <3

Caleb and I began to work on our assignment. I finally was sure that everything was going to  be fine. Hunter loves me. He would never find someone else. Mrs. Keener stopped and told us about a project we would need to complete. Caleb immediately said, "We'll do it at my house." I silently thanked him for being so understanding.

The day went on and I walked from class to class with Caleb. When it came time for lunch, I found Hunter talking to Lexi outside the cafeteria. Spotting me, she put her hand on his forearm. He didn't even take notice. Was she trying to split us up? If she didn't take her hands off of him, she'd be doing a pretty good job.

The day finally ended and Hunter dropped me off at home where I stood listening to my mother blame me for my brother's death. Six months ago, my family had a barbecue. As the last of the guests were leaving, my dad and I were playing catch with my little brother. I turned to ask my mom a question, and  my dad must have turned to because the next thing we knew my brother was flying in the air towards an telephone pole. If he hadn't hit the telephone pole he would have been fine, but he broke his neck because of the impact and his brain failed to control his body. His heart stopped beating within seconds. My parents wouldn't talk to each other or me for three months. When they did start talking it was of divorce and what a disappointment I was.

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