Chapter Six

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                                                               LAUREN'S P.O.V.

I have to tell Hunter. How? After cleaning my face, reapplying my makeup and finding a piece of gum, I texted Hunter: Let's go out 2nite...big news...can't wait to tell you...:) Hopefully he'd go with me. I started the walk back to class. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I've got the perfect place <3 love you, the text read.

When I walked back into class, Caleb asked if tonight would be a good night to start our project. I quickly agreed and told Hunter that he would have to pick me up from Caleb's.

Before lunch, I stopped at my locker. Hunter suddenly grabbed me from behind and kissed me. I broke off the kiss and told him to save it for later.

At Caleb's house, I talked to his mom. "I have a problem," I began. "and I don't feel that I can talk to my mom about it." She instantly smiled.

"If I can help, let me know." she said.

"I believe you can, Mrs. Konowitz."

"Please, just Kristi. So what's wrong?"

I sighed. "A few days ago, I had sex with my boyfriend. We used protection, so I thought I would be safe, but this morning I got sick. I took a pregnancy test today and it came out positive. My parents already think I'm a disappointment but now I'm pregnant and they're going to hate me." By the end, I was sobbing.

She wrapped her arms around me as I cried. "It's gonna be ok. Everything's gonna be fine."

I wiped my eyes and began to work on the project with Caleb. Kristi drove me home. Hunter would pick me up there. He would be fine, right?

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