Chapter Twelve

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I walked into school on the Monday after the break up. I wasn't receiving my usual hellos from everyone. What the hell? I suddenly understood as I stopped I front of my locker. I gasped as I dropped my books.

On the front of my gray locker was an article about teen pregnancies and one word, hastily painted in red spray paint: SLUT. There was only one person who knew: Caleb. It had to have been him.

The morning bell rang. I stormed my way into my Advanced Algebra class and began yelling at Caleb.

"You were the only one who knew! I can't believe you! I trusted you!" Caleb looked down in shame. I sat on the other side of the room. Olivia glanced at me in pity and disappointment.

The bell rang for the end of the hour and I ran for the door. Evelyn stopped me in the hallway.

"Thank you," she said. "I appreciate it."

"What the hell are you talking about, Evelyn? Why are you thanking me?"

She smiled. "They all said I'd be the first to get pregnant. But you were. Who would've thought little miss head cheerleader would get preggers? Certainly not me."

I bit my tongue. "Evelyn, you are a bitch." She didn't see the first punch coming. Soon she was lying on the floor with a bloody nose. Suddenly, I had realized what I'd done.

"Evelyn, I'm so sorry. I didn't, I mean, I-"

She shook her head. "Don't worry about it. I totally deserved it. Wanna hang out later?"

I gasped in mock surprise. "You wanna hang out? With me? Guess what? No." I walked to the cafeteria. After getting my lunch, I headed for Olivia's table.

I sat down and everyone got up simultaneously. "No, don't stand on my account. I'll just leave. I thought we were friends, Olivia, but apparently you're just a backstabbing bitch."

Olivia spun around on her heel. "I'm a backstabbing bitch? I bought a fucking pregnancy test for you! You told me you weren't pregnant! Dammit, Lauren! You lied to me, and I'm a backstabbing bitch. Lexi's right. You are a slut."

I set my napkin down on my tray. "Excuse me, girls. I wouldn't want to get any slut on you." I ran from the cafeteria. FInally sitting in the hallway, I broke down. No one said anything to Hunter. He wanted to have sex. But that's just natural, because he's male. Bull shit. I can't do this anymore.

Caden walked slowly down the hallway. He noticed me and stopped outside the cafeteria. Sitting down beside me he said, "Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay? Hey, don't cry," He wrapped his arms around my shoulders as I sobbed. "Hey, calm down and tell me what happened."

I wiped my eyes. "Caleb told Lexi that I was pregnant and Lexi spraypainted slut on my locker. Olivia called me a backstabbing bitch and a slut and won't talk to me. Everyone is so disappointed and I can guarantee that someone will tell my mother."

"I'm sorry," he said. "But if you want, you can come eat lunch with me."

I accepted his outstreched hand and walked back into the cafeteria with him. I wouldn't let them get to me.


Thanks for reading guys!


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