Chapter Nineteen

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We had been dating for six months. I was seven monts pregnant. Where had the time gone? It seemed like I had that pregnancy test such a short time ago. I had decided not to find out the gender of the twins I had recently discovered I was carrying. Brenton had helped me come up with some ideas, however. I was hoping for girls, but my mom was certain I'd be having boys. Brenton drove me to school and I sat in my homeroom, glad that my friends had started talking to me again, but disappointed that Olivia was the only one still not talking to me.

Suddenly, Hunter walked into Ms. Gordon's room. "Hello, Hunter. How can I help you, dear?"

"Hello. I just came to talk to Lauren."

"Ok," she replied.

Hunter walked up to my desk at the back of the room. Sitting down next to me, he began to speak. "Hey, can we talk?"

"Aren't you already talking, asshole?"

"Wow. Harsh, aren't we? I'm being serious. I want to be there when my child is born."

"Children, first of all. And second of all, you lost that chance when you had the brilliant idea of abortion."

Hunter sighed. "Let me tell you something. Regardless of what I said before, I really want a chance to be a part of these kids' lives. I know I've been really shitty to you and I'm sorry."

"You don't seem very sorry. You told your mom, didn't you? That's the only reason you want to be a part of anything. Because your mom told you you had to or she'd kick you out. Didn't she? Just because I was stupid enough to get knocked up by a total loser doesn't mean that I'm stupid enough to believe you."

"Wow. You're right, yet again. I forgot that precious little Lauren can never ever be wrong. But just for the record, I do care sometimes. This is one of the times that I do."

The bell rang. "Whatever, Hunter. At the end of the day it's my decision and I don't want you there. End of discussion." I replied, waddling out of the classroom.

Before I made it to my next class, Brenton texted me.

Brenton<3: Everything's going good right?

Lauren: Yeah. Absolutely fantastic.

Brenton<3: What happened?

Lauren: Hunter came to talk to me. Had the nerve to tell me that he wanted to be there for the birth of the twins.

Brenton<3: Wow. He's really asking for it, isn't he?

Lauren: Promise me you won't do anything you'll regret.

Brenton<3: I won't.

Lauren: Promise?

Brenton<3: Pinky. Love you.

Lauren: Love you more. After replying, I sat down in my first class. Great. Another long day. The only person in this class that ever talked to me was Olivia and she still hated me.

Before I knew it, the bell rang. I went through my morning classes bored and tired. Surprise. That was the only way I went through the days lately. Pregnancy really sucked. Especially when you're sixteen and have to walk around a huge ass high school. And you know, when you're pregnant with twins.

I met Brenton outside the cafeteria. He had left and bought me Taco Bell. My biggest craving. I pecked him on the lips as I opened the bag.

"Thanks, babe. You are the best."

He smiled. "How sweet of you, but I already knew all that."

I giggled as we walked to our table. Audrey and a couple football players were sitting with their girlfriends at the table. Audrey smiled as I sat down next to her, muttering profanities. "So much pain. God, I hate this." Everyone at the table laughed.

One of the football players, Brian, I think, looked at me. "Lauren, honey. One thing. You gonna eat that?"

"Hell yeah. You think I'm gonna give up my nachos bell grande? Think again."

I dangled a cheesy tortilla chip in front of his face before shoving it in my mouth, while everyone laughed around me. I was finally a part of a clique again. I softly cried out in pain. Contraction. Pregnancy sucks.


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