Chapter Seven

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I was nervous as Hunter walked up the front walk to greet my parents. They stood together, his pale face and deep green eyes alongside her dark skin and pale blue eyes. They were so different, yet so alike. What went wrong? Could it really have been my brother?

Hunter smiled and shook my parents' hands. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Hydell. How are you?"

My dad laughed. "Please, call us Michael and Sarah."

Hunter nodded. "Of course."

My mom cut in. "Where is it you'll be going?"

"Kelsey's Steak House, Mom. Don't worry; we won't do anything stupid." I replied as we walked out the door.

Hunter put his arm around me as he opened the passenger side door. Climbing in he smiled at me.

"What's going on, babe?" he asked, curious.

"I'll tell you when we get there ok?"

We drove in silence until we reached the restaurant. He opened my door and held my hand as we walked inside. "Table for two," he said to the waitress.

After we had ordered, he asked, "When will you tell me?"

I replied with, "When the food is here." As they set down our starters, I smiled at him and took his hand in mine.

"Honey, I have something very important to tell you."

He smiled impatiently. "Go on, sweetheart."

I nervously began to speak. "I took a pregnancy test today. And, um, it came out positive. Honey I'm pregnant."

"When do you plan on getting an abortion? I can go with you if I don't have basketball practice."

I stared at him in bewilderment. "Excuse me? An abortion? What makes you think I would get an abortion?"

He shrugged. "First of all, you're fifteen years old. You're not ready to be a parent. You don't even have a job. Second, I don't think you would be able to deal with a child; you're so self-absorbed."

I cut in. "And you aren't? I am not going to kill an innocent child just because I decided 'Why not? Let's have sex with Hunter. You won't get pregnant, cause NOTHING bad EVER happens to you.' I can't believe I was so stupid. Why did I let this happen?"

"Hey it's not your fault. Calm down."

"Calm down? Who the hell do you think you are? You're the reason I'm not calm. That's it I'm leaving. I can't do this." I grabbed my things and left the restaurant. I suddenly realized that it was one of the stupidest ideas I had ever had. Great. Walking home in heels.

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