Chapter Thirteen

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Time to tell my parents.

They walked in together. "Hi, Mom, Dad."

They looked surprised. My mom asked, "What are you doing home so early?"

"Forget about me being home so early. I have something very important to tell you."

My dad raised his eyebrows. "Go ahead, sweetheart. You know you can tell us anything."

I sighed as they sat down. "Two weeks ago, I was at Hunter's house. I had sex with him. And I'm pregnant. I'm so sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am. Bel-"

My dad interrupted me. "You're what? Just when we start to trust you  again. Dammit, Lauren! When are you gonna grow up and take some responsibilty for yourself! You know what? No. Get your ass out of my house."

"But Daddy, where am i supposed to stay? Hunter broke up with me, Olivia's mad at me, Caleb's the one that told the entire school-"

"The entire fucking school knows? They are going to think we are terrible parents! I can't believe this! Hell, I can't believe you! You couldn't take care of your brother for five minutes, how the hell are you supposed to take care of yourself?" he screamed.

Tears formed in my eyes. "Benji's death was not my fault. You can't keep blaming me. You were there too. Do you want me to kill myself? Do you? Your disappointment would be gone. You would just love that, wouldn't you? You would be so overcome with joy, knowing that your disappointment was so overcome with grief that she fucking KILLED herself. You are pathetic. You don't want anyone to think it's your fault so you have to blame me. And now, you're sending me to live on the streets. Mom, don't you have anything to say? Anything?"

My mom wiped her eyes and stood up. "Goodbye, Lauren. I hope you stay safe."

I then stood up. "Fuck you. You're supposed to be here for me. How could you? Whatever, I'm gone."

I ran up the stairs to my room and packed a duffel bag full of anything I'd need. Walking down the stairs, I pushed past my mom and out the front door.


Where do you think Lauren will go? Thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote! -baby-boo-10-27

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