Chapter Seventeen

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The bell rang and i walked to my car, surprised to see Lauren there before me. I couldn't help but stare at her. God, she was so beautiful. Before I reached the car, the guy from the diner walked up to her. As I neared the car, her voice raised.

"Jeez, Caden. I'm dating Brenton. Get over it. You wouldn't even text me back, but know you have the nerve to tell me that I'm the love of your life. You don't even know me!"

I had finally reached the car. "Do we have a problem here, Lauren?"

She smiled at me. "No, hun. Caden was just leaving. Weren't you?"

He glared at me as he spoke. "You'll regret this, Lauren. I would've been a much better choice as a father to that baby than Mr. Player Boy. Mark my words."

He walked away, shoulders slumped.

"He's a little creepy," I said, unlocking the car and opening the door for Lauren.

She shrugged. "Yeah, well. What can you do? I met him two weeks ago at the diner. Then we hung out at a party, and he's been obsessed with me ever since."

I pulled into the middle school parking lot and Justin got into the car. "Hey, Justin."

"Mom's gonna be so mad at you!"

"What?" I asked.

He laughed. "Don't play dumb. Alex's sister video taped the whole thing at lunch. You said Lauren was your girlfriend. You know she'll freak out. I don't think there's any way tat she'll let Lauren stay."

I shook my head. "I talked to Mom about it yesterday. I already talked to Audrey

and if Mom thinks that Lauren needs to stay somewhere else, Abbeigh's house is open."

Justin nodded. "Mhm. Sure."

I glanced over at Lauren. We had just reached the house. Dad was home. Great.

Walking into the kitchen, we found my parents sitting at the table. "Hi, guys. Justin, can you go do your homework in your room tonight? Lauren, Brenton, sit."

Justin went to his room and Lauren and I sat on opposite sides of the table.

Dad started out. "It has been brought to my attention that you two have started dating. Now if Lauren plans on staying here we're going to have to establish some rules."

"Rules?" I questioned.

Mom picked up where he left off. "There will be no being alone together in any room, especially with a door closed. You will not be allowed to do anything alone without a full agenda and multiple check-ins to either of us. I also talked to Michael and Sarah and was informed that you have an uncle that has recently been released from prison. He will try to contact you. You are not to come in any contact with him, in person or not."

"Is that it?" Lauren asked.

They both nodded. "We understand that you are going through a tough time, Lauren, with your parents, the pregnancy, and Jordyn, but we will not be lenient. These rules are put in place to protect the both of you. I hope you understand. Failure to obey these rules will result in Lauren having to leave. You will be able to stay at the Lukes' home in Jefferson Township."

Lauren nodded. Great. My parents were being so strict she would want to leave. She probably understands the reasoning though. Oh well.


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