Chapter Twenty-one

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The wind blew leaves around the table as I tightened my blue scarf, that matched my eyes perfectly, around my neck. Lauren was taking forever. We had agreed to meet ten minutes before. I decided to cut her some slack. she had sounded really upset on the phone. With this thought, Lauren arrived. I took a sip of my caramel macchiato as Lauren set her things down on the table and headed in with her wallet to buy herself a salted caramel mocha, the only thing she ever ordered. She walked out of the entrance with her mocha and a Caesar salad in hand.

I noticed as she sat down that her cheeks were red and tearstained. I apologetically smiled at her. I knew what she was going through. It was always hard to find out someone was cheating on you. Carter, for example. He'd cheated on me last year with Lexi. Lexi could do that. I don't think that a single freshman hasn't screwed her.

Lauren glanced at me over the rim of her cup. She was waiting for me to say something. "I'm so sorry," I began, "He's not worth it. You'll find someone else.

She grimaced. "But what if I don't want someone else. I love him. And I thought that he loved me."

I was silently hoping that she'd stop the 'I love you' crap. "Wanting to be with someone who cheated on you is just putting you on the road to being in an abusive relationship. Not physically but mentally."

She shook her head like she understood. I just hoped that she really did. I can't stand to see her upset.

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