Chapter Nine

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Caleb dropped me off at home. As I got out of his car, he grabbed my elbow. "If you ever need anything, anything at all, just call me. I'm here for you." I nodded as I shut the door. My mom was waiting for me when I opened the door. One look at my mascara streaked face and she knew something had gone wrong.

"Honey, don't cry. It's gonna be okay. Everything's gonna be fine. Just tell me what happened." She stroked my hair as I sobbed into her shoulder.

"Hunter and I broke up because he called me self-absorbed. He made me wonder if our relationship meant anything to him." My mom began to speak.

"Why don't you go get some pajamas on and we'll talk more, ok?" I nodded. It felt so good to be wrapped in her arms after six months with no affection whatsoever. After slipping into my favorite shorts and tank top, I brought my laptop and tons of chick flicks to the den. We started with Clueless, then Dirty Dancing. After a quick smoothie break, we watched Baby Boom, The Notebook and Fried Green Tomatoes. Logging into my Facebook, I posted several pictures of our fun times. I had really missed my mom.

"Honey, why don't you call Olivia? I'm sure she could help make you feel better." Dialing Olivia's number, I scrolled through my newsfeed. When Olivia answered, I filled her in on what was going on. She suddenly screamed.

"Have you seen it on Facebook? Tell me. Have you?"

"Seen what? What happened? Why are you screaming?"

"Hunter is a total asshole. He's hooking up with Lexi Hedington. Mind you I'm talking about you r biggest enemy."

I was totally confused. "That slut? Why? We just broke up two hours ago! She's such a bitch!"

"I'm gonna be there in five minutes. We are going to go get pie. It always makes me feel better."

"Where the hell are we going to get pie at this hour?"

"Dammit, Lauren! Can you ever just trust me?"

"I do, Olivia. Come get me then."

Olivia showed up in her car fifteen minutes later. She honked the horn. "Get your ass in the car!" she yelled out the window. We drove for about twenty minutes until a small diner came into view.

"You drive twenty minutes to get pie?" I asked skeptically. She nodded. Walking into the quaint diner, I saw that looks can be deceiving. The red bar stools were filled to the max. Olivia pushed her way to the cash register and began speaking to the perky blonde at the counter.

"Hey, Carly. Nice to see you. I brought my friend, Lauren. Can I get my usual and a break-up special?"

The blonde smiled. "Sure honey. I'll get that in right now."

Olivia led me to a booth in the back. A guy about our age brought us our order: a slice of cherry pie a la mode and a piece of dark chocolate fudge pie. Olivia smiled. "Lauren, I'd like you to meet Caden. He's in my art class at school."

Caden smiled. "Hey, Lauren. I'm sorry to hear about Hunter. That was really shitty."

I laughed. "Tell me about it. Two hours later he's already hooking up with Lexi."

Caden laughed with me. "I'll see you around, k?"

"Definitely," I replied.

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