Chapter Eleven

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I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I had to. She clearly had a problem with gays. I can't believe she thought I was straight. That is too funny.

I finally decided I had to. Walking up to Lexi Hedington, the most popular girl in school, I smiled. "Hey, Lexi. I have some information that I'd like to share with you."

Lexi flipped her hair. "Beat it, loser." Her friends giggled.

She started to walk away. "It's about Lauren Hydell!" I yelled after her.

She stopped dead in her tracks. "What about her?" she asked, suddenly curious.

I knew I would regret it but I ignored my fears and came out with it. "Lauren is pregnant and word on the street is that it's Hunter's baby."

Lexi was shocked. "What? They slept together?"

"Apparently," I shrugged.

"Well," she began, "I suppose we could do something evil. What did you have in mind?"

I knew I would regret it, but I began to speak. "Well,"


Go read Haley_Chinchilla's story 'Vampire's Kiss' Thanks!

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