♡Chapter 2♡

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POV change!
The boys exchanged glances not knowing whether to be happy or worried " you did what exactly?"Jin was the first to break the silence as the boy came off the bus without a jacket and bright red face "..this really cute guy next to me was cold so I might have possibly given him my jacket.."Jungkook trails off mumbling something under his breath. Taehyung is the first one poking fun "ehehe so what is Wonder Boy's name?" The group seems more like a gang as they begin the trek towards the dance studio "Yeah! Usually a cute boy or girl never makes you this flustered" Jimin pipes in helpfully or unhelpfully in Jungkook's mind. Sighing quietly the bunny looks at his feet shuffling and putting his hands in the pockets of ripped jeans "his name is (y/n) actually..and I know I don't act like this usually! it is just something about him that reels me in" Namjoon and Jin share worried looks, and for a moment Yoongi looks surprised "so you are basically going into the cheesy romantic cliche right"Hoseok joins in dramatically placing a hand over his heart causing a uproar of laughter "yahh leave Jungkook alone"Jin interrupts spotting the bright red face of the youngest "just be careful Kook"Namjoon breaks in before anyone can say anything else "I will try and be Joon"
----meanwhile with (y/n)----
Dragging a gloved hand over his face (y/n) waits by door waiting for the bus to stop already so he can get off ya even his jacket smells nice..maybe I should message him.. grabbing his phone from the pocket, and quickly typing in the number making sure to set a contact Jungkook💕🐇 "hey its me (y/n) I just wanted to say hi since you gave me your number and all thanks for the jacket too its been very cold😔..and I wouldn't mind a date or two with ya 😳👉🏻👈🏻" fumbling around as his stop comes up he presses send, heart beating quickly in his chest. Maybe this was the new beginning he was waiting for.

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