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Joonie: The boys are going to be chillin tonight do you wanna go out on the town ?
Yourpal(y/n): uh yeah sure I am down but who is gonna watch Gia?
I end up leaving Gia with the boys waving her goodbye. Namjoon stands to the side smiling "lets go (y/n) I already have the best night picked out" smiling slyly a giggle slips out as we lace hands "oh really? Lemme guess you arent gonna tell me" the husky laugh is already enough of an answer. The town is quiet for once the lights clashing with purples of the sunset "hope you like Mexican" Namjoon walks in front of me pulling opening the door to a packed restaurant "thank you good sir"giggling a bit I walk through,Seoul seemed different but in this restaurant it was like a dash of home. A flustered woman greets us "table for 2?" I nod and she gestures for us to follow bustling about the packed tables. Taking a small booth near the kitchen we sit across from each other ordering drinks before turning back towards each other "so Namjoon how has it been?" A dimpled smile meets me "stressful as usual working on this new album but enough of has it been at work? How are you?" Our drinks are set I order the same thing as Namjoon before answering "it has been stressful..raising a kiddo and trying to work and support"smiling warily my hand that is placed in the middle of the table is taken in hand by Namjoon who is looking blushy "are you embarrassed Namjoonie"teasing him always seemed easy and he blushes a bit heavier "maybe I am maybe not"Namjoon and his dimples will never fail to make me smile as well. The food takes a short time to arrive and we eat before heading out the stars dazzling off in the distance "what do you think when you look at the stars?" The question startles me and I look at our interwoven fingers thinking "I suppose we are be here during this time..among all of these stars..gazing at them with the people we love truly.." the questioning look that greets me is not what I am expecting "oh really?" Smiling warily I swing our hands "of course I do Joonie.."he hums a bit pulling me into a hug "then will you do me the honors of being my boyfriend?"I nod happily pulling him closer.

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