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Yoongs: Lets go out on a date (y/n)
Yourpal(y/n): alright! Lets do this! Is it alright if Gia stays with the boys...
Fixing my hoodie I yawn eye twitching close Yoongi laughing a bit "Yoongi cmon lets get outta this place I am getting sleepy"tugging his hand I stand up wobbily the smell of books and warmth settling into a smooth daze "then where do you wanna go genius?"jerking my head towards the door I head that way walking out and shivering at the cold "lets just go get some food! How aboutttt hm street food" smiling darkly I poke Yoongi in the side jabbing a finger towards a small corner restaurant "hmph fine" ordering some lamb skewers we sit on a curb "not gonna say this is what I had planned.." laughing at Yoongis statement I take a large bite "was there a exquisite plan Mr.Min?" He looks surprised before returning my smirk "of course there wasn't.."humming in return I chew up the skewer "oh wait you have a little"Yoongi gestures to a rough measure of where whatever it is may be "listen Yoongi if you are just fucking with me!-" huffing he leans over wiping the mess of the corner of my mouth "there you big baby"blushing I look away pouting, Yoongi I am sure looking smug "hm whats up?" There is definently a smile in those words "Nothing!" Swiveling back around I glare a bit before deflatingnat the sigh of a cute smile "..te quiero" confusion now takes over "what..what does that mean?"my breath is heavy now heart hammering "it means..I love you.."frowning at myself looking down the world seems to close in. There is a sigh shuffling before an arm is wrapped around my shoulders "I love me too" smiling I bump him with my elbow "smart ass.." his gummy smile says the words he is too afraid to say back. The honking of cars seemed distant. It seemed as though the world was at peace for a moment.

Stay for a Little Bit Longer | BTS x Male!Reader| Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum