♡Chapter 5♡

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The boys turned out to be already in a group "Bangtan sonyeondan"Jungkook corrects me after an umpteenth failure to say it properly "wait so you are (y/n)? The one the rabbit won't stop talking about?" Yoongi asks bluntly, the tense room deflating at the question "oh ummm"Laughing awkwardly I scratch my cheek "Yoongi!"Jimin chides being met with only a sadistic grin and chuckle. Esme claps loudly to grasp everyone's attention "ALRIGHT! Enough of that! The boys are hear to learn some intimate types of dance haha..So we will start simply with the swing. Partners everyone!" Clapping once more the boys scramble to grab partners "Jimin? Do you-" "sorry I am already with Jin!" "Taehyung are you-" "ah sorry Jungkook already with Hoseok" Welp so much for avoiding him and dancing with someone else "(y/n)? Would you dance with me?" Glancing up a hot blush paints my cheeks as the leader holds his hand out "oh um..sure" smiling briefly I put my hand in Namjoon's large one "I promise I will be extra careful" A bright laugh comes tumbling out "so I am guessing you are clumsy normally??"Now it is his turn to be bashful "you have no-"the classical music begins to play cutting off Joonie Joonie huh? My mind mocks "(y/n) you already know how to dance so show the guys with your ahem partner"Gesturing to the center I settle his hand in mine not to far from our bodies "In the Mood" plays from the speakers scattered across the room "alright just follow my steps"is what I would have said. Namjoon beat me to it, dragging me into the music step by step looking extremely concentrated all the while keeping in time with steps. Namjoon looks different in this light so cute but concentrated, many of the members laughing slightly and whispering amongst themselves Jungkook looking a bit disgruntled and put out. Smiling up at Namjoon the music announces the end of our dance quickly. It had went well surprisingly! If not for the fact that immediately after the music stopped Namjoon stepped on my foot. Hard. I withdrew from that grasp,sitting on the floor to keep pressure off of the injured foot for a bit "I'm fine I'm fine"Laughing through the pain I notice his crumbled embarrassed face "Ahhh, like I said I'm fine Esme"She promptly panics taking to me to a corner of the room "STAY THERE UNTIL WE ARE FINISHED" And through out waiting Namjoon sat with me there the entire practice.

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