♡Chapter 15♡

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To start it simply I had no clue how I had ended up surronded by the boys gushing over how cute Gia was. Laughing I scooped her up "sorry for being so late minute I remembered I have a long shift and well my babysitter has been acting weird" Gia is taken from my hold, Jin holding her securely. It seemed like they didn't know alot about kids "well I will be going my shift is starting soon. Gia be good for the boys. If she gives you a hard time or anything do not hesitate to call. See you guys in aboutt 5 hours!" I turn around waving goodbye work uniform ruffling a bunch. Work at the cafe would hopefully be easy today
---POV switch. I am not talkin bout work the whole chapter---
Gia plopped onto the couch staring as people frantically worried around her "Tae what do we do Namjoon isn't here yet!! Hhh oh my God what if she like dies somehow from not moving around alot is she breathing?!" Jungkook dramatically went off, the small child laughing a bit "we will be fine Kookie just give her a snack and let her watch a movie or color" placing a comforting hand on the youngest ones shoulder Jin gets a confident look in his eyes. Namjoon bursts through the door hitting his knee on the way "ow ow crap..you guys been watching Gia for a long time?" Namjoon strolls over a heavy hand on the 5 year olds head to rub it vigourously "have these knuckleheads kept you comfy?" Gia giggles helplessly "yes Joon! Kookie started acting weird said I might die" tears begin to build up "I..I don't want to die Joon.." panicked Hoseok turns on the television "oh hey look a cartoon is on!..do you like this show?"tears immediately dissapear with those words, eyes enthralled at the bright images and characters bounding across the screen. Everyone in the room let out a sigh of relief "good thing Yoongi and Jimin aren't here I am sure they would have been freaking the..flip out" Taehyung stretched out on the couch near the child "Jinnie..can I have a snack pretty please?" Jungkook let out a small laugh, reeling back in pain at being elbowed in the ribs, Jin resigning himself to Gia "hopefully apple slices and some milk do the trick" getting up the broad shouldered man grabs said items in the kitchen. Whilst chopping up the fruit Jin thought back to what (y/n) had said. 5 hours? Maybe he worked in a restaurant? Maybe Jin should invite him over for a date and..wait no that was not alright all the other boys seemed to like (y/n) "here you go Gia" "thank you!!" Loudly munching on the apples Jin motioned the others into a different room. Jungkook,Hoseok,Taehyung,and Namjoon all stood looking like scolded children "are we going to address this thing everyone seems to have with (y/n)?? Because it seems like all of us have a crush on him" Jin states raising an eyebrow, hand on hip "pfft why would I like a bottom like him I mean sure he is cute and nice and.." "why not have a sort of bet" "what is the bet?" "Whoever gets (y/n) to date them"
Okay so maybe I should do a face reveal now since yall have been waiting since my big huge hiatus

" "why not have a sort of bet" "what is the bet?" "Whoever gets (y/n) to date them"---BAM BUM BUMMMOkay so maybe I should do a face reveal now since yall have been waiting since my big huge hiatus

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This is my face here I know hella ugly haha and here are some facts bout me

1. I live in California which is the hottest fucking state lemme tell ya (its not I am dramatic lmao)

2.Super duper bi

3.Books give me life

4. History is by far my favorite subject

5.Love kpop in general

Yikes sorry guys but see you all next time!!

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