♡Chapter 16♡

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The deal was made and everyone seemed content. That is until (y/n)showed up. Knocking at the door I made sure my hair was presentable "ah (y/n) Gia just fell asleep but come in come in" It was 8:00 at night so that was to be expected "I am sorry if she gave you guys any trouble Hoseok" a measly shake of the head got recieved "no no Gia was a doll the whole time everyone loved having her over..ahh where are my manners do you want something to drink ?" I shake my head sitting on their couch "no no I am fine thank you though...work dragged on for so long I am sorry" Hoseok makes a 'follow me' gesture making his way down a dimly lit hallway,small chattering and snores coming from different rooms "she insisted on going with Jin and dragging Namjoon along" the sight is adorable to say the least. Namjoon laid on the front of the bed looking very tired arm dangling off the side,Jin sat on the headboard book in hand while Gia was sprawled out on the floor sleeping soundly limbs twitching every once in a good while "up and at em toots" my footsteps seemed loud as I kneeled down grabbing Gia under her arms placing her head on my shoulder "again thank you guys so much for watching her" bowing was difficult but I managed "again it is no problem I-" "(y/n)! Wait!" Jimin rounded the corner looking disheveled but he looked so good "ah hah good I caught you on time" Standing up straight I notice a blush decorating his cheeks awe cute "are you free tomorrow?" Now it is my turn to be embarrassed "oh um..I have school tomorrow but other than that yeah I am basically free." Jimin seems to be contemplating something before nodding "after you finish with your school work..would you like to go on a date"WHAT. Words freeze up in my throat leaving me to only nod "I will message you the details later but please be safe on the way home" he grabs my hand briefly before leaving the way he came seeming to have a skip in his step "um I will see you later Hoseok" to a angry looking Hoseok "see you later (y/n) be careful!" These days just keep becoming more and more interesting. Strolling casually down the street all my exhaustion catches up with me at the bus stop. A small girl runs with,presumably, her mother who laugh along the way. It took me back to a place I did not want to remember. A couple minutes roll by before I am seated with Gia in the back of an empty bus staring out into the distance.
Me and my stretched out schedule ughgh what a complete mess I have been so busy with summer school so I should be free from now!
Till next time

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