♡Chapter 8♡

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The day after the night out was too much. Feeling a pounding headache combined with a childs yelling hurt "Shushhh" I yell with as much force as I can put behind the pounding increasing "wait..Gia?" The neighbors were yelling instead of her the hell?usually she would be up by now. Lifting myself up the blanket trails behind me "hey you awake kiddo?" Pushing the door open it creaks in the silence, small lump of a child visible "(y/n)..I don't feel good.."oh great shuffling to the bedside I pull her hair back into a small bun noting the fever Gia is sporting flushed cheeks and tired eyes "stay here I am going to go get some medicine from the store down the street..Don't open the door for anybody if anyone knocks" Mom walking to the front door I make sure to grab my coat..wait Namjoon's coat? Umm what? Your sister is sick and you are worried over a dumb jacket cool shaking my head roughly seemingly cleaning a frazzled head with the shake, prying a door open "ah hello Mrs.Kim..yes yes Gia is sick so I was going to go.."the old woman rushes past me "and you were going to leave her alone! I will watch her !"The slam of the door reminds me of the power the old Kim holds in her grasp. Freezing cold kisses my cheeks, bitter,cold, a bite only the winter would have a chain reaction causing my process down the stairs quicker "come on (y/n) only have to go buy some medicine then you can be back to taking care of Gia"
--Time skip because I am too tired to write this shit---
The warmth that greets me has a light laugh leaving my lips "Gia! Mrs.Kim! I am homeee"I place the bags down on our old rickety counter making sure ingredients are secure turning on my heel towards the slightly beat down bedroom. Mrs.Kim has placed a rag on Gia's head dabbing it upon upturned eyebrows, scrunched in pain ,harsh breaths leaving into the quiet of the room "about time you showed up"the woman grouches "she has a decent fever from what I can tell and she asked for you the whole time..please take care of her..I will be in my apartment if you need anything" I nod at her words mouthing a thank you. I don't remember much aside from making soup and helping Gia eat it "mmm (y/n). I love you"she drawls, something akin to goosebumps after a cold shower cover my body "..I..I" the words cannot force themselves out caught in my throat in the midst. Such a simple saying yet I could not say it.
Sorry this is so bad aaaa I swear I meant to write more but I have been very sick and the holidays and all that junk
But thank you if you read this far 🖤💜💛💚💙 Hope you all have Happy Holidays

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