♡Chapter 14♡

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Eyes heavy I struggled to wipe my eyes free of sleep, phone blaring noisly in the corner safely plugged in near the bed. Bone tired I prop myself up lazily yawning, hand running through choppy hair. No missed calls,a message from Esme. Wait hold on, opening my phone with a passcode heart pounding in my chest I read the message Best Friend 🤧🌚: hey (y/n) I am sorry about last night..just a weird night is all I hope you can forgive me..I would like to talk so if you could meet me at the cafe down the street Friday at 1300 we could talk.
Rolling my eyes at the makeshift apology I stretched limbs heavy to get out of the warm comforts. Gia stirred in her sleep mumbling before calming again,realizing it was only 09:00 on a Sunday..this day would be a long one needless to say
~Time skip cause a girl lazy~
Eyes drifted helplessly list less eyes not comprehending words on page,Gia bounced around happily chatting about a plushie she had seen while on the way back from grocery shopping. Maybe a good out time with her would be fun but "crap I have work..but nobody to watch you..I might have to ask the boys..Gia baby you like them dont you?"she nodded excitedly pushing my phone into my face "call them call them call them" grasping her chubby hand I clicked on the closest contact "Hello?" Shit RM my face feels hot "hi! Uh I mean hi Namjoon it is me (y/n) but wait you already probably saw that haha" nervously laughing I realize how awkward I sound "HEY NAMJOONIE"Gia screams making me shush her "ahh Gia says hi..listen I have to ask you a huge favor which is really big but if you are busy I understand. Can you please watch Gia while I go to work? Esme is acting crazy and and I cannot trust her-" "(y/n) take a breath! Yeah sure I can watch her I just finished up this track and will be headed back to the dorms..I'll meet you there?"I nod before realizing he cannot see it "yeah I will meet ya there"
Hey hye listen I tried to get this out as quickly as possible because the next chapter is hella long! Also we reached more than 300 votes and more than 7,000 views??? Umm???? Thank you all so much!!! I was thinking about doing a face reveal with 10 facts soon that sounds good
Till next time!!

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