♡Chapter 4♡

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🚨some language and other bad things in this chapter 🚨
The morning after having a conversation all night is never easy. Especially not with a small pushy five year old almost running late to school "WAKE UP WAKE UP (Y/N)"I am shaken awake violently barely able to get my bearing before the wild child tugs me up to help her get dressed into her in a simple school uniform "*yawn* ahh c'mon kid let's getting going before I get in trouble again"A strong cup of coffee clutched in hand the other occupied I make sure the door is locked, lifting Gia on my back "you better hold on." I hastily make my way down the stairs booking for the doors on our run down apartment complex, the elementary only two blocks down "(y/n)? Who is that w-waving over here?"Gia asks squishing my cheeks, jerking my head towards the general person who she is speaking of. Its as if a cold bucket of water had been dumped over me when I realize who it is "ah (y/n) what a coincidence" Seo-yeon laughs a sinister tone in her voice, ugly caked up face sneering "what do you want Seo-yeon? Can't you see I have to take my sister to school?"Continuing my walk I notice how she begins to follow us "God I can't see why a faggot like you can have all the guys but I cannot find a single good one" Gia's hands go over her ears to cover them, and the realization makes me sick to my stomach "go away and leave me and my sister alone. Most of those men probably don't want to be with you because they don't want such a loose hole to fuck" Giving myself a little victory dance when she backs off at the school gates I lower myself to the ground letting Gia hop off of my back "be good in school! Make sure to not get in trouble!"a cheek pinch follows a what seems to be a meaningless talk to any others listening in. She nods determined mock saluting, joining her friend who is also running a bit late,with the sip of my already cold coffee I am off downtown towards the dance studio where I sometimes go to practice with friends which speaking of Best Friend 🤧🌚 hey you almost here? There are a couple guys I want you to meet! Shaking my head exasperated already Yeah yeah almost there 🏃🏻‍♂️. Jogging a bit the rest of the way to the studio clears my mind of what happened even if the tiniest bit. It was so dumb too but hey what I said back to that dumb bitch made her leave me alone..for now. Shaking my head of those thoughts I get to the door of the studio push it open with ease and climb the stairs. I let my mind wander back to Jungkook he said he dances so maybe he comes here? Oh God what if he does?? There are tons of dance studios though!What do I open with? Hey kid you like jazz? Geez no that is my mind rant is cut off immediately, after opening the door to where we practiced only to find a group of shadowy figures "(y/n)!" Esme calls waving to me from the opposite directions of the figures "ah guys hold on" she laughs and giggles and, with a rough hold of my arm, pulls me to the side where I can get a clearer view of them all "Guys! This is (y/n) the best guy I could ask for! (Y/n) These are the new guys around the block" Gesturing wildly she points at every individual "this is Kim Namjoon or Joonie, the dad of the group from what I have seen" eh she could be so blunt at times "Kim Seokjin or Jin, the mom of the group..i ship it"Esme whispers the last part,we share a laugh. "Min Yoongi or just Yoongi, Jung Hoseok,Park Jimin,Kim Taehyung,and finally"the grand gesture to the final member "Jungkook"we both speak his name at once my voice just a faint whisper compared to Esme's. All eyes turn to Jungkook before focusing on me "(y/n) so nice to see you again even if it has been only a day haha" the boy looks tired, probably from last nights talks " Jungkook nice to see you too..oh! Hold on I have to give you this back before I forget" taking off his jacket, Jungkook turns the brightest red I have seen anyone "you can keep it. I mean considering that is the only one you brought" "are you sure? I don't want to keep stealing your jackets from you" All the members are laughing now some of them not being able to cover it. He just nods in return.
Ah today was gonna be a long day.

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