♡Chapter 7♡

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The cheerful laughs that fill your apartment make the neighbors knock a broom loudly on the floor of their apartment "Sorry Mrs!" Gia yells before laughing again "shhhh Gia we gotta calm down"The sigh that leaves my mouth is tired. After a long day of practice I would usually be as happy and cheerful as the five year old but I was so tired.. " cmon kiddo it's time for bed anyways..I'm gonna go meet up with a couple friends to hang out so Esme was gonna watch you for me" Before she could start whining a notification dings on my phone "that must be her"
Best Friend 🤧🌚
Can't watch Gia I have to deal with a major project that is due hope you understand
"shit." Ushering Gia to go get dressed I pull up the group chat
Yourpal(y/n): Hey guys pick somewhere kid friendly please I have to bring my little sister along if you guys don't mind! (_) Her babysitter can't watch her today
Joonie: None of us mind ( ' ω ' )..these things happen sometimes..I'm responding for everyone cause they are all getting dressed still
Jk: I am done getting ready I will have you know..Let's go to the karaoke place downtown that's kid friendly I am pretty sure
"Let me know what you guys decide..nothing too crazy" I read out loud thinking about it pressing send "(y/n)! (Y/n) I told you I could get dressed by myself!" The mismatched clothes are laughable to say the least "pfft clearly you can't kiddo c'mon let me help you" A cute pastel top over a black skirt, accompanied by a pair of cute sneakers and Gia was ready to go "look how pretty I look!" She giggles rocking back and forth "yeah super cute..Make sure you grab your jacket okay?" Running a hand over my own plain black button up, running that hand then down to dust off my skinny jeans in case of crumbs and we were off. Keys? Check. Phone? Check. Wallet? Check. Small child holding onto my hand with a jacket on? Check. Shit it was getting colder "Where are we going ?" Gia questions the bus to downtown now practically empty. It was 19:00 "to.." doing a quick check of my phone I laugh "karaoke!" She cocks her head to the side black hair covering a part of a confused face "what's k-karacookie?" Ah that's right she never has been to a karaoke bar before "well hm karaoke is when friends get together and sing to their favorite songs..you'll see what I mean we are almost there" 19:25 hopefully they didn't mind us being a little bit late "LAST CALL FOR DOWNTOWN" Grabbing Gia I quickly hop off the bus with a thank you "we have to get a move on the place is a couple blocks down" Christmas time was the theme around downtown ,lights strung up here and there, the smells of spice in the air, shops being open warm and friendly, bustling families simply strolling the streets. The empty feeling in my chest doubles seeing the happy families. If only. Shaking my head roughly I pick up my pace making sure to keep a strong grip on Gia's hand "(y/n) are those your friends?" Looking down at her I jerk my face to see if it is them and sure enough it is "oi (y/n)!"Jimin calls coming up to us in the speed one can only have while hyper. Gia hides behind me "aish nice going Jimin you scared the kid"Yoongi chides, Jin and Hoseok both coo at my little sister "HELLO LITTLE ONE"Taehyung laughs picking her up "wait Tae don't!" Namjoon starts notices the little girls distress "..." Gia makes grabby hands pointing directly at Jungkook who seems shocked as the rest of us including myself "what is your name little one?" Jin asks quietly to the toddler that has now nestled into Jungkook's neck "..Gia" Hoseok laughs pulling his everyday charm quickly "that is such a beautiful name! And how old are you cutie?" At the petname she hides all fingers spread on one hand "I am pretty sure I have never seen her this shy in awhile" I sigh said koala five year old now clinging to me "I'm sorry I didn't think they would be this excited" The apology from Jin slips out like nothing "It's fine really..We needed some time away from the apartment..We don't get new friends often huh kiddo"Gesturing for everyone to get in the shop, Yoongi holds the door open for me"we already paid in advanced!" Jungkook cheerfully says seemingly seeing my confused face "alright so what song do you wanna sing?" Asking a slightly hyped Gia I only recieve a slow blink back "Death of a Bachelor it is..you know the lyrics huh" the cheeky smile reminds me. The beat starts through "Do I look lonely? I see the shadows on my face"high pitched basic screaming leaves the speakers making the whole group all at once groan "people have told meeee I don't look the same! Maybe I lost weight ...."Gia trails off not knowing the rest trying to pretend like she does waving her hand wildly at me "I'm walking the long road watching the sky fall..the lace in your dress tangles my neck how do I live?" My voice fills the booth and looking back at the guys I see most of them are shocked " THE DEATH OF A BACHELOR OH OH" We both scream in unison "LETTING THE WATER FALL"
-little time skip cause I'm lazy-
The small child was now snoozing at my side covered up in one of the boys jackets when she complained being cold. Little liar.. Taehyung is taking a picture I guess "oi (y/n) cheeseee!" Making V signs I smile cheerfully at the camera click "awe poor little one all tuckered out"Jimin pokes a chubby cheek Gia only stirring a bit before settling down "oh my goodness is it that late? We can give you a ride home (y/n) it would be foolish to walk around at this time of the night" Seeing that I could not argue I simply resigned to the middle of the van, Gia sitting in my lap fast asleep "awe poor thing all tuckered out..at least she had fun..what is your address (y/n)?"Hoseok laughs "(insert some random address idk)" A long car ride passed as though a couple minutes without realizing it I had fallen into a sleep myself "Jimin grab Gia. I'll grab (y/n)" Namjoon's voice echoes in my head, a shiver trailing up my spine at the cold "here so you won't catch your death" the warmth placed around me smells like forrest,old books,and cologne which oddly enough smells like home "(y/n) I am going to open the door and Jimin is going to put Gia into bed..I will help you into yours..can I have your keys?"nodding jerkily, shaky hands look for keys placing them quickly in the large man hands pfft Joonie has such big hands letting said hands push you towards your couch "..you sleep on here?" Cuddling into a pillow I give a muffled "yes" not realizing in my slow mind I had just revealed something I tried to hide from them. Namjoon only hums helping me with taking off my shoes "I don't understand why you are so nice to me and my sister..it seems like we have known eachother for so much longer..but in reality we barely met a couple days ago..why are you guys so weirdly caring ahah..?" "Weirdly caring? That sounds like a backhanded compliment.. around you (y/n), around you we can be ourselves. Be who we are without eyes watching our every move. Its pretty weird how close we are sure but..you have this kind of personality to just reel people in..and to think that we would have never interacted if Jungkook hadn't got a crush hah.. I never thought I would be friends with a 5 year old..but I know that we are going to be friends for a long time " We share a laugh " Namjoon..I cannot thank you all enough..Please tell the others not to worry so much about me..about us we will be fine. Tell them all I said thank you as well" Keeping my eyes open seems so difficult but Namjoon cuts me off by pulling a blanket over my face "alright enough of the mushy stuff you need to get some rest. Just remember we will be here for you"After pulling the blanket away from my face to breathe a warm hand pushes my bangs back then two quick kisses are pressed to my forehead ;the lock of my apartment signalling their exit and the smell of Namjoon so close to me. And with that I know the night has come to a close.
----HOLY FUCK You guys thank you so much for reading and being patient with my slow ass I swear ah I have so many projects
Until next time 🖤

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