♡Chapter 3♡

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To say my day had been rough would be a misunderstanding. The moment I had gotten home and settled a ding from my phone had me getting up tired bones from all the working and school work peaving me a melted pile of nothing ugh who could it be at this hour? Opening my phone I noticed the bright 22:45 in the corner following the message notification Jungkook💕🐇hey sorry (y/n) just got out of dance practice (•́︿•̀)..I didn't mind giving you my jacket you seemed to need it. The smile that crosses my face makes my little sister stare at me oddly "(y/n)..(y/n)..(y/n)..(Y/N)!" jumping a bit at the change in volume for such a five year old "whAT" I yell back making her giggle "who are you talking to?"Gia questions innocently trying to glimpse at my phone. Scrambling for my phone back the child breaks into giggles again "isn't it time for your bedtime kiddo?"long black hair whips back and forth in a sort of big knot as she shakes her head in hopes of being convincing "mhm well I wasss gonna sing a lullaby and read a story if it were that time but since you aren't.."trailing off I pretend to get up off her bed dramatically "no no no I am going to sleep! Please please read me a story"a child whining seemed like a type of torture "alright alright I will..the usual one?"earning a quick hum of agreement Gia gets snug under a slightly thin blanket "A long time ago in a foreign land there was a prince and a princess." Pausing for effect I notice her eyes have already began to droop a bit "the princess was the most beautiful in the land and the prince was well..anything but rich, having landed all alone in such a different place" a little yawn cuts me off "the prince had fallen deeply in love with the princess and without realizing it she was blinded by jewels from a king deciding to leave her true love to chase these riches. The prince blinded by grief soon left the land marrying to a snobby good for nothing woman"anger actually comes into tone but the kid is already asleep. Laughing slightly to myself I pat her hair back and place a kiss on her forehead "night kiddo. Sweet dreams" heading out the door towards the coach I turn off the light behind me making sure to leave the door open, pulling out my phone as I plop on the coach, quickly noting the notification bell again 23:00 Jungkook💕🐇 Sorry was I too forward with the whole date thing? Blushing I quickly type back No uh it is alright I didn't mind you being so forward haha..sorry for such a late reply I was putting my little sister to bed ('') The response is immediate which makes me wonder is he just waiting for my text? Huh oH it is okay really family always first. I was actually wondering how your day was?
The rest of the night was spent conversing till the sun rose

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