My Hero [Stenbrough]

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let's have Billie get bullied this time
sorry bud
Stanley's POV
I hummed to myself as I cut swiftly through town on my freshly shined bicycle. Closing my eyes and inhaling the wind, I made a small smile. I turned a corner just as I heard him scream. My tires screeched and I waited to hear the direction of the call. He screamed again and I whirled around, practically flying to the source.

The shrieks grew louder as I neared the sewage entrance. Dammit, why does everything have to happen by the sewers?  Stopping at a tree and hopping off my bike, I skidded down the hill. "Hang on Billie, I gotcha!"

A short distance away, I saw Belch lifting Bill above the ground by his upper-arms, Henry Bowers stepping up to him. I clenched my fists as his face became level with Bill's and he flipped the switch on his pocket knife. Positioning it near the wailing younger boy's arm, he sneered and taunted him.

Right as he sank the tip into his arm, I sprinted, but I tripped on a root and smashed my face on a rock. I heard a mixture of agonizing screams and maniacal laughter around me. Pushing myself up, I ignored the searing pain in my jaw and ran over to him.

Before they knew I had arrived, I picked up several rocks and began to throw them at the boys, trying my hardest to not hurt Bill. "Get outta here, assholes!" I screamed furiously as they jumped at the sudden blows to they're heads and sides. "Ow! Damn, Loser! We're going!"

Belch dropped the injured boy and dragged Henry back up the hill. Bill fell to the ground, clutching his arm tightly. I gasped and bolted to him, grabbing his head before it touched the rocks. Pulling him into my lap, I gently took his hand away from his arm.

Gritting my teeth intensely, I made out the word "Queer" and lost it. I was about to jump up and go after them, but he grabbed my shoulder weakly. "Don't go. He's not worth it." He pleaded, and I sat back down. "But you are." I reassured, caressing his messy hair. "And don't worry, he'll never touch you again." He smiled faintly and whispered, "My hero."

well omfg this is cute but terrible at the same time ehhhhhhh
shoutout to the BEST WRITERS EVER
SamWandis TroyHarrington gazebolovser

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