Meeting Todoroki|Chapter 4

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-Your point of view-

I took my backpack from the hanger and put it on my bed.

"Are you really leaving?" Daniel said with a sad expression on his face.

"Yes, and so soon too,sadly " I answered trying to believe that I am getting adopted ,so fast.

"I'm scared to find out who they are too" I told Daniel".

"Don't worry you'll be fine (L/N)" he told me as I zipped my backpack hesitatly .

I walked up to Daniel and gave him a hug as this may properly be the last time i'll see him.

The women directed me through the long halls that surrounded the adoption center.

Once we turned the corner ,the reseption is visible from on the other side of the hall, I saw a tall man facing towards me .

The closer I got I could recognise him, it was Endeavor.

I was wondering what's he was doing at a adoption center, no ideas came to mind but the only thing I thought of was ' is freaking Endeavor going to adopt me?!'

I questioned myself 'that's impossible why would he want me ?'

"Hello" I said nervously to the hero ,
"Hello (L/N) (F/N) " Endeavor said .

We basically talked alittle and obviously I was a little bit nervous because I've never met him before.

Endeavor signed a few papers before we left.

When we arrived home a small , little boy was playing with a small toy truck .

His hair was red and white (it's bae everybody!) , our eyes fixed with one another .

"Shoto, look I brought home a girl" said Endeavor , next to Todoroki , I saw a women with white hair .

I'm guessing she's the mother . She looked like something was bothering her but I couldn't tell why .

I stayed silent for a while , Endeavor introduced me "This is (L/N) (F/N) and she will be living with us for now on".

I was led to my room shared with another older girl , she was the Todoroki Shoto's sister and her name was Todoroki Fuyumi ,there were also two other boys .

I unpacked my things and placed my clothes in the wardrobe

This was a very eventful day , "Shoto, (Y/N) we need to train!" Endeavor called us .

We went downstairs and into a room , we just trained and trained and trained.

1 week later

Shoto and I go to school together now , I didn't have many friends at my old school and it was good to see some new faces.

Shoto and me have gotten real close ever since I was adopted , I don't know what I was afraid of before I was adopted.

Training with Endeavor and Shoto was hard , I still don't know why we're training for .

- 12 Years Later-

It is 10 months before me and Shoto go to U.A ,recently we have been training really hard and I've just found out a few weeks ago why I was adopted by Endeavor.

He adopted me because he thought I had the greatest quirk , aparently he had been going there everyday to find a girl around Shoto's age.

Why? Because he want a grandchild that has the best quirk and become no.1 .

I was shocked when I heard this from Shoto .

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