I'm sorry, America..?

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So here I am sitted on the couch at home after my final exams,smiling.

Oh, I just wrote my end of year exams for eleventh grade. I won't see their faces until next year and that's fine by me. Anyway, my name is Sheila Tjimbinaje Zaaruka, I am seventeen, turning eighteen this New Year, dope if you ask me. I'm African, obviously, I live in a small corrupted but beautiful country called Namibia -just at the edgy bottom of Africa- in the annoying Capital city and it's called Windhoek. Hate it? Yes.

I school at Delta high with my little sister Nicole, she is on holiday already since they wrote their exams in October. Three months of holiday for them. Just amazing. She is sixteen, bubbly and loud, but I love her all the same as she is my best friend and my voice at some points. She says it's crazy how I don't like talking more much, but hey, not my fault I shut up when I have nothing good to say.

Mom taught us that one. She always says 'When you have nothing good to say, keep your mouth shut' so I keep it shut, a lot of times. Nicole on the other hand will tell it to you like it is. If you are ugly she will say it without hesitation or an apology. With the words 'Hey they say the truth hurts' and shrugs. Do you know how many people love her overly broad honesty?? A lot. I thought a person like her would be hated but nope, not even one of her friends despise her.

"So how was economics?" Nicole asks walking into the room. She has the freakiest her styles. Right now she has a quarter of her hair shaved off, like at the bottom and has Dreads in the middle.

"Terrible, how was your day home alone again?" I ask and she shrugs jumping to the space next to me.

"Well instead of moping around I went to the mall with Abraham and the guys. We watched about three movies and then roamed around Groove mall like fools with Fruitina's in our hands. And Newth, bought me a bear and Fallen, the first book of the Fallen series. Out of everything he did for me this is tops them all. It cost him a lot and I asked to pay him back but he just shook his head and promised to end it if I ever think of paying him back. I don't wanna lose my bae" she says and I chuckle. See what I mean, rants on and on.

Newth is her boyfriend, honestly he is the best thing to ever happen to her and I am happy she found him or he found her or they found each other. Whatever happened. He schools at Jan Jonker Afrikaner high school though, but he applied to our school for eleventh grade just to be close to Nicole. I find that gesture cute.

"Hey how about we hang out tomorrow, to get your mind of your exams?" She asks and I nod. "I was tinking we go shopping, or movies, we can even go to the park and just talk. But with food, I don't like feeling hungry. Then we can take a walk around town. Or we go visit Uncle Metu, Mekere can over for the holiday and I heard she is driving him crazy. When Ngaii and I were talking she said M wants to go to Cuba after her Twelfth grade to study animal physiology and Veterinary, but her father want her home so he said no and she burst out on him" she says shaking her head

Mekere is the most stubborn Zaaruka I have ever met and I met her father. Anyway ones she sets her mind to something nobody can change it. No one, not even her over strict mom. It's really crazy because she is crazy.

"Doesn't her father want her to be his successor?" I ask and she nods.

"He does, but Mekere doesn't want, she says she can't and will not be forced to do something she doesn't want to do. It's either Accounting or Veterinary. She hates Geography to the core and she does not want to do it ever again. That little detail made Metu mad like super mad her wanted yo send her back to the North But Doreen stopped him. Mekere had no problem leaving really, she was all packed anyways. I mean that girl can be so hard head when she wants, its a terrible trait." Nicole says and I nod smiling.

"Let's visit her, I only saw her once ever since she came her and I miss her" I say and Nicole nods.

"I will call her to let her know we are coming. Sheila, put your stinky shoes outside. I can't stand them anymore" she says walking out of the leaving room. I laugh shaking my head and put my shoes outside as she said. Then I grab my rucksack and run to my room. I take a shower and change into a pair of green shorts, a tank top and my oversized 1976 League Jersey. I put in socks and run to the sitting room to watch TV.

About four hours of series later Nicole comes down complaining. I pause my episode and look at her.

"Problem?" I ask

"Problems is more like it" she says walking to the door. I stand up and follow her. She opens the door and someone knocks on her forehead making her slap the hand off. "Idiot" she mutters as Brendan grins at her.

"Oh I love you too Nic" he says and steps in followed by the rest. By they rest I mean Abraham, Newth, Vincent, Hendrick, Noah, Tuna, Lucas, Shali, Toini, Ela, Etuhole, Iyaloo, Rebekka and Elizabeth. Yeah large crew I know, but in this town these guys are Exclusive Dynasty. Crazy maniacs of Klein Kupe.

"The whole squad is here" I say and they smile walking to the Family room. I follow them.

"Hey Sheila" Noah greets, he is the oldest in the group. Seventeen just like me.

"Hi" I say sitting next to my sister. She smiles at me before glaring at the group.

"What brought your ugly asses here?" She asks and they look at her.

"Way to get to the point Cole" Abraham says

"Well yeah, its Almost five and my mom will be home soon, want my ass whooped?" She asks and I smile

"Nah, just came to give you this" Brendan says handing her a box.

"You guys, all of you got you butts off you couches to come give me the box set I forgot at Raham's place?" She asks and they nod "There's gotta be something else" she says leaning back crossing her arms.

"You have to tell her" Etuhole says making Nicole glare.

"Go Ahead Brendan" Newth says and Brendan groans.

"I will force it out of you Omo" Nicole says and Brendan sighs.

"Brendan and I have been dating for two months now" Iyaloo quickly says making me choke on shock.

"Okay get you ugly faces out" she says and they smile. They stand up and she hugs Iyaloo. "Crazy bitch, why didn't you tell me?" She ask as she escorts them to the door.

"Eh" Iyaloo shrugs and walks out. Newth walk to her and gives her a kiss, before hugging her and walking. They wave goodbyes and we wave back.

"You want to kill Brendan dont you?" I ask and she nods.

"Very much" she says and I laugh walking to the kitchen.

"Chicken?" I ask and she pretends to think about it before says no. "No?" I ask

"Mutton" she says and I nod. We get on to dinner with me on the sauce and her cooking the rice and making the salad.

"Ew no, no onion" I yell as she takes out the onion.

"Come on" she says groaning and I shake my head. She puts it back and goes back to tossing the Greek Salad.

"I got the job!" Mom yells running into the kitchen and we scream. Yes. finally.

"Congratulations mom" I say hugging her. She hugs me back tight and grins.

"Oh yes, more money" Nicole says hugging mom. Mom smile and looks at the food.

"Well that looks delish" she says and we beam. We serve and sit down at the dinning table eating.

"So you are working for the American Embassy now huh?" Nicole asks and she nods.

"Oh there is one more thing" she says and we nod for her to continue. Her next sentence made us drop our forks and walk out on her.

"We have to move to America"


A/N: some daughters that Sharon got there.
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