She just wants the truth

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"Jasper answer me, my sister hates me because I am close to you guys" I say and he sighs.

"I can't tell you, at least not now. Believe me Sheila, I wish I could, I really want to but, it a family thing and we have to consult our father first" he says.

"I understand, but I just can't go on like this. Honestly its like everyone I know knows what the Cullens did or do, even Nicole and she doesn't even know you guys" I say leaning back.

"I'm sorry" he says.

"I know you are but that doesn't help me with anything. You all just keep me in the dark and that is nor fair because I don't keep anything from you guys, especially you" I say

And that's true. So yeah I like him and I trust him way too much, more than Rosalie and she is my bestest Friend.. I know bestest is not a word but yeah I use it. It just kind of hurts to know that I am keeping nothing from him and he is keeping something so big from me.

"So you want to know, even if its dark and scary and might break our friendship?" He asks and I look at him.

"You think something will break up our friendship? Is it that dark?" I ask and he nods tightening his grip on the starring wheel. "Jasper, I dont think anything can break what we have except for lack of trust" I say and get out of the car.



I sat there looking at her. I just can't believe that the wolves would turn two sisters against each other. The passenger door opens and Edward gets in. I start the car and pull out of their driveway.

"You are blocking your thoughts" he says and I nod. "Why?" He asks.

"Did you know that Nicole is mated to a wolf?" I ask and he nods "Good, then do you know that they turned her against us and her sister just because she stays with us?" I ask

"What?" He asks and I nod.

"Nicole hates Sheila because she stays with us" I say and he sighs.

"And Sheila has no idea" he says and I nod.

"She asked me to tell her today, but I didn't. She thinks I don't trust her" I say as I park the car. We get out and walk inside.

"We have to tell her" I say as soon as we enter the living room.

"No, Jasper we can't risk it" Rosalie says. "We won't lose her, I won't lose her" she says.

"Rose there is a fifty Percent chance that she won't walk out of our lives if she knows" Edward says.

"But there is a hundred percent chance she will if she doesn't know" I say. "The supernatural is the reason for the feud between her and her sister. We can't keep her in the dark anymore" I state.

"And what if she chooses the mutts over us?" Emmett asks.

"Then I guess we'll have to live with it" I say and they look at me keenly. Yes that will kill me, to see my mate side with my natural enemies when she should be by my side. Its going to be my last day of my life if that happens.

"You can't think like that Jasper" Edward says and I let out a small sad laugh.

"I just did" I say and walk to my room. I lock the door and sit on my chair.



Two Weeks.

That's how long its has been since I talked to the Cullens. Or anyone really. I am not mad at them.. Oh no I am mad at them and everyone that I was and is close to because they are keeping me in the dark. I mean even my mother seems to hate the Cullens now.

Speaking of my mother, she is giving me the silent treatment. She has been giving it to me for two weeks as well, ever since Jared came to our house and I told him to go Fuck himself and leave me alone. Mom got mad and she has not said a word to me since then. Amazing how people will hurt me, hate me and turn against me for a reason I am not aware of at all. Not bad at all.

But I have come to realise something, I am going insane. No honestly I am. Like all I think about is Jasper, I mean see him everywhere. In our backyard, in my room at MIDNIGHT and it is scarring me.

I went back to only saying one or two words now. Yeah because I hardly talk to anyone. And I don't sit inside the cafeteria at lunch, I sit outside or in a class. Eat my food alone, listen to music or do homeworks and assignments. That's what I am doing right now. I am sitting in my Advance History class doing my Economics project which is due in three days while listening to 'Romantic' Korede Bello and eating berries.

Girl you are my women womenly
Cause you are so women women sweet
Call me Mr. Roman Romantic
Imma make you feel good Romantist

"You have a voice" The shivers that ran down my spine and the way my insides turned already told my who the voice belongs to.

"Thanks" I say and go back to my work after I calm myself down. He takes a sit next to me and I hear him inhale.

"Sheila, you haven't said a word to anyone in two weeks" he says.

"No shit Sherlock" I say and he sighs again. "Want to add something Captain Obvious?" I ask

"I miss you" he says and my heart skips a beat. That's was not even on my list of things I expected him to say.

"I miss talking to you, your pointless jokes, you crazy personality, your one or two word replies, your laugh the one with a little snort at the end. I even miss your crazy obsession for music" he says. I bite my lip to hide my smile.

"Sheila please talk to me, yell at me for not telling you whole truth about me, cry for not being honest to you, slap me even, do or say something just don't move away from us" he says and an unexpected tears falls on my papers.

"Jasper do you know what is feel like to have the very first people in your old and New Life just turn against you without a proper reason? People just to hate you and you have no idea why?" I ask "My own mother hasn't said a word to me in two weeks all because I stay with you guys, even she knows the reason my sister hates me and she supports her" I say.

"I will tell you why, on one condition" he says and I nod. "You don't make any irrational decisions" he says and I nod.

"I won't" I say and he tells me to follow him. I stand up and pack my bag.


A/N: Hola..
She has suffered enough and I am tired of writing sad chapters. It's time she experience love and happiness. 😁💖

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