Goodbye Cullens

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I will never understand that girl. She is getting married at the age of eighteen to a hundred and something year old vampire because she wants to be turned. Okay, maybe it's because she loves him so much that she wants to be turned so that she doesn't die while he lives. Nope still crazy. I will forever find her insane.

Speaking of insanity, I am on the verge of it. He won't leave me alone. As much as I enjoy his company because the tug in my heart vanishes. Problem is seeing him hurts. He just picked up and left and then all of sudden he returns and the only explanation is "I wanted to protect you". From what? Himself? Did he really think that I didn't know the risk of being with him?

"Bella for crying out loud I am not going to your wedding" I say as we walk into the cafeteria.

"Why not? Please be my bridesmaid" she says and I shake my head.

"No, I... I can't, I'm sorry" I say and walk to Angela who smiles at me. I send her a sad smile back and sit down. We watch as Bella walks over to the Cullens and sits with a grumpy face.

"I take it you are not going to her wedding?" She asks and I shake my head.

"Is Bella pregnant? I mean why would she get married at eighteen?"Jessica asks and I look at the Cullens before answering.

"Honestly, I don't know" I say. It's true. I don't know why she would want to give up her life and everything in it. I can't lose my family and friends, I don't want to lose them. Turning into a vampire means sacrifice and that is something I am not willing to sacrifice, so vampirism can go kill itself.

"How can you not know, one of the Cullens must have told you the actual reason Bella is marrying Edward right?" Jessica asks and I sigh.

"What if I tell I don't talk to the Cullens anymore? In fact I don't like any Cullen anymore" I say and she looks at me shocked.

"But you and Jasper made such an amazing couple" She says.

"Yeah, he didn't think so" I say and Look at them. "Uh, I got to go" I grab my bag and walk out of the cafeteria. I walk to an empty class and sit down. I plug my headphones into my phone and put the on. I scroll through my list and play 'Say something' by a Great big world on repeat.

My music suddenly stops and I sigh. I look up and come face to face with the whole Cullen clan, well the kids. "I am really not in the mood for this" I say

"Yeah well you have to suck it up because we have a lot to say" Rosalie says and Iean back in my seat and nod.

"Jasper didn't want to leave you. Neither of us did" Alice begins.

"But Carlisle convinced you guys that it's for the best right?" I ask and they look nod. "Funny, see my mom did the same thing and so did my sister. Yeah they said "Stay away from the Cullens, you will only end up getting hurt" but I went against them and here I am. Yay" I say and they send me that lol that asks 'Are kidding me?'

"It's different" Rosalie says and I shake my head. "It is we are dangerous, we can snap at any second and kill you" She says

"You think I don't know that? The thought crossed my mind a lot before you guys left, but I still risked it. I loved you guys that much. I fought a freaking tracker-nomad-humandrinking-jackass just to save Bella. I stayed by Jasper side no matter how scared I was of him and all of you, I was determined not to let it take over. I swallowed my fear and stood with you guys. I was a fool inlove and that love drove me, blocked my fear and gave me the strength I needed not to run away from you guys screaming bloody murderers" I say.

"You were afraid of us?" Emmett asks.

"I have always been afraid of you guys, but I didn't let it show because I didn't want to lose you. After my mother and sister left me for the wolves, you guys were all I had. With you guys I had the wildest adventures ever. It just hurts to know I didn't as much to you guys as you did to me" I say

"You did" Jasper speaks up for the first time.

"If I did, if I meant so much to you guys then you would have left. Your reason for leaving was never about you, it was about us right, Bella and I, why did you ask us if we wanted you gone before you decided it?" I ask


"No, why didn't you guys ask us if I - we wanted you gone before you left?" I ask "Edward wanted to protect Bella, stupidly ignoring the fact that she was his weakness and she needed protection. Because if you want to hurt a vampire, kill the mate right? So you guys ignored that fact and I can't believe how stupid You were" I say to Jasper. "You left when we needed each other the most" I Say.

"Edward was trying to protect us Sheila" Bella who I didn't even notice was here qspeaks up.

"Did you tell him the hell you put yourself through just to get him back? What hell you went through just because he left?" I ask he and she looks down. "Yeah,I thought so" I say.


"Bella, if they really wanted to protect us, the they would have stayed. They say the past is the past and we should forgive and forget. I will put this in the past and I will forgive, but I will not forget nor will I accept you guys again. This is the end of Sheila with the Cullens" I says.


"This is your protection detail. You stay away from me and so will every other vampire that knows and hates you" I say

"You know that won't happen" Jasper says. I take my bag and shake my head.

"Keep the headpones. Did you say all you wanted to say?" I ask.

"Good. Goodbye Cullens" I say without waiting for their answer and I walk out of the class.

A/N: Hola.
The End...! I hate the ending. I had to rewrite this chapter so many times and I am still not satisfied with it. This is the closest I can get it to the version I want it because the is just that one tiny detail thay I feel is missing and I don't know how or where to put it. I am sorry if you are not Satisfied with it, because I am not either.
Oh the next book is Titled "Dangerous Love"
I deleted the first two chapters I wrote so that means I didn't even start it.
A friend of mine Wrote a book as well, not a Fanfic an original called 'Deprived love' romeo2008

 A friend of mine Wrote a book as well, not a Fanfic an original called 'Deprived love' romeo2008

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